Mangaluru: Cabinet inauguration programme held at St Ann's High School

Media Release

Mangaluru, Jun 20: The cabinet inaugural of St Ann's High School, Bolar for the year 2024-25 was held on June 19 at the school hall with full of zeal and enthusiasm.

The chief guest, Dr Alphonsa Mary Job, SR, onco surgery department, Father Mullers Medical College was welcomed by teacher Pearl. The solemn programme began with the formal march of the cabinet members escorted by the guides and led by the school pupil leader Zulaika Nashweeha.

The president Sr Ruby D’Souza AC, headmistress St Ann's High School, the SPL and ASPL lit the lamp. The programme commenced by invoking God's blessings through a short prayer service. The president then administered the oath to the SPL and ASPL. The cabinet members then pledged that they would carry out their duties with the responsibility and faithfully work for the school.

The cabinet members were then adorned with the badges. The clubs were also inaugurated. A garland of motivational words was delivered by the chief guest Dr Alphonsa Mary Job. In her speech she advised the students to inculcate in them the values of punctuality, determination, and dedication.

The headmistress congratulated the newly appointed school cabinet members for their preparedness to take up the responsibility entrusted to them. The headmistress motivated them through her inspirational words. The SPL proposed the vote of thanks and Sneha compered the programme. The programme concluded with the school anthem.




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