Mangaluru: Investiture ceremony for academic year 2024-25 held at Manipal School

Media Release

Mangaluru, Jun 17: The investiture ceremony of Manipal School, Mangaluru for the academic year 2024-25 was held on June 15, at Marena Sports Complex, Attavar. The installation of the newly elected school cabinet is a momentous occasion for the school and its students.

The chief guest Dr Dilip G Naik, pro vice chancellor MAHE, Mangaluru campus, inaugurated the programme by lighting the lamp. He was joined by the principal Srilatha Alva, the vice principal Shilpa Moger, the headmistress Sapna Shetty, the PTA president Sachin KJ; vice president Sunita Furtado and the newly elected school captain Ruhan Dinesh Kotian and vice-captain Farzeen Ahmad Farook.

Dr Dilip G Naik then installed the young cabinet members in office by handing over the badges. In his address Dr Dilip G Naik congratulated the leaders and stressed on the Manipal values such as leadership, teamwork, integrity, discipline, being humane, empathetic and transparent in our actions and said that all things will fall into place when leaders are good listeners, humble, and united.

The principal, Srilatha Alva administered the oath to the new office bearers wherein the newly elected leaders pledged to uphold the dignity and honour of the school with their hard work, dedication and perseverance.

In his acceptance speech, Ruhan Dinesh Kotian, the newly elected school captain, pledged to work with his team conscientiously throughout the year, abide by the rules and regulations, promise to carry out the duties assigned to them and live up to the expectations of the school. Rishith Suresh Nair, the opposition leader welcomed the gathering and Farzeen Ahmad Farook, the vicecaptain delivered the vote of thanks. Students Sheik Rida Fathima and Ramanujan Anandhan compered the programme. Teaching and non-teaching staff of the school and students of grades IX and X were also present.

The function concluded with the national anthem.




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