Mangaluru: St Aloysius College Higher Primary School celebrates Bakrid festival

Media Release

Mangaluru, Jun 16: St Aloysius College Higher Primary School celebrated the Bakrid festival with great enthusiasm on Saturday, June 15. The programme was organised by the students of Class 2 and commenced with a heartfelt prayer song.

Monvi, a student from Class 2, delivered a speech highlighting the significance of Bakrid. The event was graced by the presence of the school's correspondent, Fr John Dsouza SJ, headmistress Jositta Noronha, and assistant headmaster Liya DSouza.

In her address, headmistress Jositta Noronha emphasised the school's commitment to respecting and honouring all religions equally. She extended warm wishes for Bakrid to the Muslim community.

The celebration underscored the school's dedication to fostering a spirit of inclusivity and mutual respect among its students.




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