Udupi: Student of SMVITM secures second runner-up in 'EG AI innovation Hackathon 2024'

Media Release

Udupi, May 22: The EG AI innovation Hackathon 2024, held at the EG premises in Mangaluru on May 14 and 15, showcased an impressive gathering of talent from across Karnataka. With 30 teams competing to present their innovative solutions, the event was a hub of creativity and technical prowess. Notably, the hackathon also featured esteemed guests from Denmark, adding an international dimension to the event.

Amidst fierce competition, the students from Shree Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of technology and management stood out. Their team, INOV8, emerged as the second runner-up with their groundbreaking project titled "Legacy Code to Modern Language Code Converter." The team comprised Saurabh M and Vignesh Prabhu, both from the third Year CSE, and Royal Antony Salins and H Prathviraj N Holla, both from the third Year AIML.

The management, principal, vice principal have congratulated their commendable accomplishment.




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