By Dr. Eugene DSouza, Moodubelle
Udupi, Mar 25: The long awaited play based on the last phase of the life of Jesus Christ with emphasis on his passion and Crucifixion, the first of its kind in the newly formed Udupi Diocese was presented in the premises of Mother of Sorrows Church, Udupi on the Palm Sunday, March 24, 2013 from 7 to 10 pm. Nearly 70 actors from Udupi and neighbouring parishes were part of the presentation of epic proportion presented on a huge stage divided into three parts. As the play progressed there was absolute silence, awe, reverence and admiration.
It was quite a challenging proposition to present such a play with so many actors and such as huge stage. The credit for such a meticulous and flawless presentation goes to the writer of the play, Walter Monteiro, director John Permannur, assistant director Prof. Vincent Alva, producer Rev. Fr. Fred Mascarenhas, Parish Priest of Mother of Sorrow Church, Udupi and blessing of Most Rev. Dr. Gerlad Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi and all the actors who have been practicing for the last one and a half month.
All the actors performed their respective roles with great responsibility and authenticity. Alphonse D’Costa did full justice to his role as Jesus Christ so also other actors. The stage arrangement, light effect and the background music were appropriate to the scenes.
The play opened with the scene of John the Baptist, ably played by Charles Quadros of Moodubelle baptizing the people who came to him on the bank of river Jordan including Jesus. Before the final stage of the passion and Crucifixion of Jesus, his teachings and few of his miracles such as giving sight to a blind man named Jacob and casting out demon from a rich merchant have been shown. Bedsides these scenes, other episodes such as testing of Jesus by the Pharisees on the question of a fallen woman and cleansing of the temple by Jesus by driving out the merchants and traders from the temple premises was also enacted.
The triumphant entry of Jesus into the city of Jerusalem was shown earlier. The Last Supper, betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot, arrest of Jesus and his being taken to the high priests-Annas, Kaifas and later to Pilot, played convincingly by Fr. Jerome Monteiro, parish priest of St. Antony’s Church, Kuntalnagar, to Herod and back to Pilot were presented in detail. Scourging at the pillar, thrusting the crown of thorns, the way of the cross, Jesus’ meeting Mary, Simon of Siren helping Jesus to carry the cross, lamentation of the women of Jerusalem and finally the crucifixion were authentically presented.
On the whole, the entire play was presented with great passion by the actors who had spent nearly one and half month practicing the same. Credit is due to John Permannur for his meticulous direction and Prof. Vincent Alva for the coordination. The capacity audience was spellbound and remained till the end of the play.
Prior to the beginning of the play, a short stage programme was organized. Rev. Fr. Fred Mascarenhas in his introductory cum welcome address said that it has been a dream to have religious plays in Udupi during the Lenten season on the model of the plays staged in Mangalore. This dream came to be realized following the establishment of the new diocese of Udupi and the support and encouragement given by the Bishop, Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo. It was felt that the a beginning should be made by involving the local talent in bringing out a play that would inspire the people of the diocese. Hence, “Khursa Thaun” was the result of such an attempt.
Bishop Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo honoured the writer of the play Walter Monteiro, director John Permannur and assistant director Prof. Vincent Alva by presenting them shawls and garlands. The CD comprising of the songs of the play was also release during this occasion. In his message, Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo appreciated the efforts of the writer, directors and Fr. Fred Mascarenhas in producing such a great play during the Lenten season. He said that all the artists are amateur and one should not have high expectation from these actors. However, at the end one and all could see that all the actors performed wonderfully well. The stage programme was compeered by Gracian Bothello.