Media Release
Mangaluru, Mar 8: Dharma Jyothi Social Centre Vamanjoor in collaboration with Regional Science Centre Pilikula organized Women’s Day celebration in Regional Science Centre, Pilikula, Moodushedde on March 8.
Dr K V Rao, presided over the programme and spoke a few encouraging words for women. Resource person, Prof Anurada, spoke on the significant contributions of women in every sphere.

District mission coordinator, women empowerment unit, Anushya, provided information regarding the government schemes for women. Dharma Jyothi, director, welcomed the gathering.
At the end games were conducted for women followed by cultural programme. Sr Hildagard, SRA along with 4 Sisters, attended the programme and 146 women participated in the event.
Asha, president of women federation, proposed vote of thanks. Jagannath compered the programme.