PM, Sonia Knew about Cash-for-votes Scam: Advani


New Delhi, Aug 30: Terming the cash-for-votes scam as incomparable and more obnoxious than Bofors, senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader L K Advani on Saturday alleged that it could not have happened without the knowledge and consent of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress president Sonia Gandhi .

"This could not have happened without the knowledge and consent of top leadership of the Congress and the government. The nation expects Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh to break their silence on this unprecedented scandal," Advani said at a conference on 'Governance and Politics', organised by the Legal and Legislative Cell of the BJP.

He expressed hope that the Parliamentary Committee probing the cash-for-vote scam would bring out the truth. "However, I would like to warn the Congress leaders and the government that any attempt to cover up truth in this scandal -- as was done by the Joint Parliamentary Committee in the Bofors case -- will not be tolerated by people. That happened in 1989; it will happen again in 2009," Advani said.

Quoting from comments made in a newspaper column, the Leader of Opposition said after the scam, Singh's reputation for personal honesty had been dented and he was now 'just another sullied politician'.

Advani said the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance had preferred defeat to horse-trading in 1999 when the NDA government fell by one vote. "Nobody, not even our critics, accused us of having indulged in horse-trading to retain power."

The BJP is committed to good politics and good governance, Advani said.


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  • richard, Manglore

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Hello Advani. dont be a saint.  You are the person who released hardcore terorists with the help of Jaswanth Singh. You are  talking about moral. Shame on you.   We really do not want a 80 PM. Its better for you to retire and enjoy a good life.

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  • Jessie, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Dear Advani, its high time that you look after the grievances of the people than take interest in these money scams. Please pay attention at Orissa, where Your so called Hidutva has ruined the whole State !! the whole world knows that that Advani is sole cause for the destruction of the country when it comes to community, specially hindu - muslim - Christian !! if today, all these communal are in existance, its all because of his crooked mind to get hindu votes?

    Please its high time that Mr. Advani be asked to sit and relax his retirement, rather than digging into the scams. Please stop targetting Sonia or PM. Ask your Bajrangdal, VHP, or whatever, to stop targetting the minor communities, instead of involving and wasting time on scams... i agree with the statements made by Mr Frank and Mr. Jerome..

    Let Mr. Advani get up from his sleep and speak about humanity and safeguard the humans life not only in Orissa, but the whole country, rather than targetting any individuals... and wasting his time and energy, which he needs to preserve for for old age !!

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    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Mr.Advani said, The BJP is committed to good politics and good governance the very good exampele is OPERTION KAMALA in Karnataka state and how they won the recent Karnataka state assembly election by the help of mines CHOR REDDY!s.

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  • Pastor E. W. Frank, Udupi/Udupi

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Advani and Narendra Modi are the same. They have no mercy or sympathy for minorities. They blame others and do the same, what they blame. They both are inexcusable. I am glad Narendra Modi is refused US visa. India is the largest democratic country in the world but the democracy is not practiced in India but it is practiced in USA.

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  • Jerome Coelho, Nanthur, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Hello Advani, its your desperate mind with the sole aim of becoming the PM by hook or crook that is making such statements. Why cant you just wait for the report from the Comittee formed and also the CBI before you make such statements.

    The Prime Minister and Mrs. Sonia Gandhi are much respected the world over than you are. They are honest in their jobs unlike you who is only interested in dividing the country on comunal lines. STOP MAKING SUCH IRRESPONSIBLE STATEMENTS.

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