Report, Pics by : Canara Communication Centre
Media Release
Mangaluru, Aug 16: In a bid to nurture the growth and development of its junior clergy, the Diocese of Mangalore orchestrated an enlightening session themed 'Journeying into Healing and Self Transformation' on Wednesday, August 16, at Shanthi Kiran, Pastoral Institute, Bajjodi, Mangaluru.
Renowned spiritual leader and formator, Dr Gregory Pinto, SVD, programme coordinator at Atma-Darshan, Andheri was the resource person for the day. With profound insights, he delved deep into the subjects of transformation and healing, guiding participants on their spiritual and emotional journeys.

Dr Pinto addressed common challenges that priests frequently encounter. He illuminated the diverse profiles of both struggling and thriving priests, underscoring the significance of establishing a personal connection with the divine on a daily basis. 'To flourish in a robust priestly life,' he emphasised, 'one must cultivate a regular and personal communion with god.' Further he said, 'Nurturing self-awareness and practising self-discipline are essential for self-transformation.'
During the session, Dr Pinto also delved into the concept of life-threatening virtues among priests and religious, shedding light on their role in personal and communal growth.
Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of Mangalore, articulated, 'We are public men of god. Ordained to serve the church, we remain a concern of the church community.'
Bishop Saldanha underscored the vital role of spiritual development in a priest's life. 'Balancing the multifaceted responsibilities of administration, management, academics, and pastoral duties, a priest must acquire the art of self-management and embrace self-transformation' the Bishop added.
Nearly 45 priests who have been ordained between 2013 and 2023 attended the session with engagement and offered their profound insights. Fr Santhosh Rodrigues, director of the Pastoral Institute coordinated the programme, ensuring its success and impact.
The 'Journeying into Healing and Self Transformation' event served as a beacon of guidance and renewal for the junior clergy of the Diocese of Mangalore, fostering personal growth and empowerment within the priesthood.