Bengaluru, Sep 9 (IANS): The Karnataka police managed to locate a 15-year-old girl 8 days after she went missing from her relative's house in Bengaluru, police sources said on Thursday. The girl, whose parents are dead, was very attached to her grandparents and set out on foot to see them.
The minor girl's grandparents lived in Madikeri district about 270 kilometres from Bengaluru. The police obtained CCTV footage from more than 250 locations and managed to track the girl and reunite her with her family.
The girl was brought up by her maternal grandparents in a village near Madikeri. She was sent to their relative's house in Bengaluru for education. The girl was attached to her grandparents and wanted to be with them. When she told her relatives, they asked her to complete her education first.
The girl then decided to reach her grandparents by herself and set out on foot without any money or luggage. Police said that she left her relative's house in Banashankari locality on the morning of August 21. She reached Mysuru road near Kengeri which also leads to Madikeri city. However, she lost her way here and reached a nearby village Kommaghatta.
An elderly woman with two daughters spoke to the girl when she asked for water and heard her story. The woman asked her to stay and the girl requested her not to inform the police. The Banashankari police who had registered the case traced her walking towards Mysuru Road from CCTV footage. With the help of her photographs, they managed to track the girl.
The minor girl was sent to a rehabilitation centre. Later, with the help of Child Welfare Committee members, the girl was handed over to her grandparents, who took her with them.