New Delhi, April 20 (IANS) In the backdrop of the Indian Premier League (IPL) row and the probe ordered by the government into its funding, three senior ministers - Pranab Mukherjee, P. Chidambaram and Sharad Pawar - met Tuesday in parliament house.
The 15 minute-meeting between the three ministers was held amid reports that IPL commissioner Lalit Modi may quit or may be asked to step down.
What transpired during the meeting was not immediately known, but sources said they discussed the IPL controversy.
The row over the cash-rich IPL erupted after its chief Lalit Modi said on his twitter account that Shashi Tharoor had asked him to suppress information about his friend Sunanda Pushkar's stake in the IPL Kochi franchise.
Following the political storm over the issue, Tharoor quit as minister of state for external affairs Sunday.