Udupi, Nov 1 (The Hindu): With the demand for Shankarpura mallige (jasmine) increasing and slump in supply, prices have gone through the roof.
Shankarpura mallige is grown in Shankarpura and nearby villages in Udupi district. The flower is most sought after for auspicious occasions and marriages.
Local traders collect jasmine from the farmers directly. Prices are decided at the auction centre in Shankarpura daily. According to Godwin, who works at the Jasmine Land Flower Stall in Udupi, the price of one “atte” (800 flowers make one chendu and four chendus make one “atte”) of jasmine was hovering between Rs. 300 and Rs. 400 till October 17. Since then, the price of one “atte” of jasmine has been hovering around Rs. 700. It touched Rs. 1,000 an “atte” on October 24.
Shankarpura mallige is in great demand in Mumbai, Bangalore, Kasaragod and other places. Though festivals and marriages led to an increase in demand in the past few months, the slump in supply is because of pests and diseases afflicting jasmine plants.
President of Udupi Zilla Krishik Sangh Ramakrishna Sharma Bantakal, who cultivates jasmine, blamed the pests and diseases for the drastic fall in jasmine production. Even remedies suggested by scientists had not been helpful in tackling the pests and diseases. “Earlier I used to harvest four ‘attes’ of jasmine in my garden, now it is down to just 600 to 800 flowers,” he said.
B. Shivanna, Assistant Professor, Agricultural Regional Research Station, Brahmavar, said jasmine plants were wilting in the region.
Samples had been collected from Shankarpura and sent to the Plant Pathology Department of the UAS in Bangalore for tests. Plants had also been affected by sooty mold and thrips, he said. Adequate sunlight, removal of weeds and spraying of fungicides such as copper oxychloride would help in overcoming sooty mold. Thrips could be controlled by spraying insecticides such as imidacloprid. “We are organising training programmes in scientific cultivation of jasmine for farmers in the Shankarpura belt,” Mr. Shivanna said.