Mangalore: "Flawed Economical Policies of USA Responsible for Global Economic Crisis"

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (SN/SP)

Mangalore, Mar 27: A  seminar on 'Global Economic Crisis and Recent Developments in  Business Administration,' was held at P A Engineering College of Nadupadavu near here  on Wednesday March 25.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr Mallikarjunappa, head of the department of business administration, Mangalore University, opined that the flawed economical policies  followed by United States of  America were chiefly responsible for the global economic crisis.

The wars that erupted between different countries including USA also contributed to the gravity of the problem. America's greed for making money, one-upmanship and unscientific economical policies worked to its own disadvantage in later stages. But the meltdown has not seriously affected some of the countries including India, he said.

Kamal Farooqui of the Minority Commission, Delhi inaugurated the programme.

Dr Abdul Rehman welcomed the gathering. Dr Dastagir Alam introduced the guest. Dr Iqbal delivered the introductory speech. Nida Ahmad and Reema Rehman compered the programme.

Tabbir Ahmad, businessman, Delhi and Dr P A Ibrahim, Chairman, P A Education Trust, were present on the occasion.


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