UP Cops Beat up a 6-year-old Girl for Stealing Rs 280, SSI Dismissed

UP Cops Beat up a 6-year-old Girl for Stealing Rs 280, SSI Dismissed


UP, Feb 3: In a shameful incident in Etawah(Uttar Pradesh), two police officials have been caught on camera mercilessly beating a six-year-old girl.

The girl was accused of stealing Rs 280 and handed over to the police by residents of the area.

The video show a sub-inspector beating the girl as an inspector looks on. The authorities have sacked the sub-inspector and suspended the inspector for their brutal act.

The girl named Komal was brought to the police station by locals who accused her of stealing the money. The SHO and Sub-Inspectors decided to teach her a lesson and beat her black and blue.

"I sent my daughter to get Rs 15 to buy undergarments. She saw somebody running away with a wallet in the market. But the police caught my daughter," said victim's mother.

Six other policemen, who were present in the police station, stood as mute spectators while the entire incident took place on Monday afternoon.

The police seem to justify the action.

"A crime has been committed here. The offender is a minor. Cash worth Rs 280 has been stolen. The girls has confessed to the crime. She was handed over to the police by the person whose money was stolen. It's significant that the police have seized the cash. If the police resorted to unfair means in dealing with the girl, I will seek appropriate probe," said Kripashankar Singh, SSP, Etawah.

As the news of this brutal incident reached the DGP, the SHO Chandrabhan Singh was suspended and Senior Sub-Inspector Shamlal was sacked from the police force.

Uttar Pradesh Additional Director General of Police Brij Lal has said that the cases have been registered against three policemen. The cases have been registered under sections 323, 506 of IPC.

The ADGP lamented that cops clearly violated the human rights norms, which is very much a part of police training. He stated that apart from training special on job sessions on the Human Rights issue are being conducted from time to time

The pressure has been building up on the authorities to terminate the guilty policemen from their services since the girl hails from a Dalit family and the Chief Minister of UP Mayawati boasts herself of being the messiah of the Dalit community.

"We have taken the incident very seriously. Strict action will be taken against those found guilty so that such incidents are not repeated," said Lal.


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  • sivaachalam, Tirupur

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    i dont want to keep only talking about this issue... till the police men punished, and they sent out from their service..i wont give up this...... any lawyers ready to hang yr hand with me?

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  • dsilva, bangalore

    Wed, Feb 04 2009

    From the picure  it looks like the cop is holding  the little girl upside down. The best punishment for the cop is to hold him up side down and beat him in public mercilessly. He will then  realise  the trauma the child went through and the mother's pain

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  • Ganesh, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 04 2009

    Why is Renuka Choudhary silent on this!

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  • Ganesh, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 04 2009

    Where are the so called intellectuals now.They made the pub attack issue so big,but no one to rescue this small poor girl.

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  • brijesh, mangalore

    Wed, Feb 04 2009

    Goverment has to take measures so as to introduce younsters into police departments. Firstly remove all those uncles from the department, then everything would be fine.

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    Wed, Feb 04 2009

    In India, if a crime committed is small then the punishment is big. See the treatment given to Harshad Mehta, Ketan Parikh, Ramlingraju and so many. None were even slapped forget about any other harsh treatment. But this poor girl, was beaten mercilessly.

    The policemen should not only be dismissed but given a jail terms of minimum 10 years and every day they should be beaten in the same manner they had beat the girl. I hope Mayawati is listening. Respected Honble CM ji, please take steps. Lok Shabha elections are not every far.

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  • Ahmed Bava, Moodbidri/Riyadh

    Wed, Feb 04 2009

    It is shameful,it is not indian culture but it is indian police culture.anyway they might be punished,that becomes the lesson to the same mentality persons.

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  • Ganesh, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 04 2009

    Well said Mr. Nagesh Nayak.I have also observed with most of the readers,whatever happens,blame safron front.

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  • ashwini, mumbai

    Wed, Feb 04 2009

    How can one be so merciless to a small kid like that.Those brutes should be punished worse than the punishment they have given that kid.Such a small child,could'nt the person whose money was stolen atleast help the poor kid.Don't those policemen have kids?.That poor innocent girl may not even know what is wrong or right.Suspension of these cops is not enough.What were the other people watching this doing?Does'nt any one have a conscience.Animal rights activists jump when something is done to an animal.What about this?She is as good as a baby.The government should do something for the girl and her family.

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  • Clement , Bantwal / Doha-Qatar

    Wed, Feb 04 2009

    Hello my dear girls students where you now? Beating a little poor girl in public by police is not our culture .Please  go to UP and show your power on Mayawati Govt..

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Wed, Feb 04 2009

    Disgusting to read comments from the readers. Incident happened in UP & readers comment about BANGARU LAXMAN,RAMA SENA, MUTHALIK,ATTAVAR ETC. This shows readers are just desperate to blame/condemn BJP & HINDUISM whatever may be the incident & wherever it may be.

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  • shirley, karnataka/dubai

    Wed, Feb 04 2009

    The police man who is beating the child should be beaten black & blue. I think these police men do the same thing with their children or else they are child less.

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  • juliana, udupi

    Wed, Feb 04 2009

    Poor child. She may not have been knowing what she was doing. Beating little children is like beating humanity. Now a days it has become Indian culture to beat the weak. We don't see such things happening anywhere else in the whole world.

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  • Ronald, barkur

    Wed, Feb 04 2009

    Beating up a child ? This is scary and an utter disgrace to the country. Considering an utter lack of respect for its citizens, including the young, old and sick, and disregard even women, why do we need to be a free nation any more ? Our country is sliding down.

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  • Roshan Pais, Karnataka India

    Wed, Feb 04 2009

    POWER OF VISUAL MEDIA. If in the case of BANGARU LAXMAN, if the media had gone to local POLICE- then BANGARU would have given statement against PUB CULTURE too. THIS IS THE VISUAL MEDIA - ITS TRANSFORMING INDIA - JAI HIND!!

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  • Ronald Sequeira, India

    Wed, Feb 04 2009

    Karnataka once best is among the worst and probably the most corrupt today. This includes election statistics also, if I am not wrong.

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  • bharath shetty, Kateel-USA

    Wed, Feb 04 2009

    I feel our education system needs to be changed..There shud be compuslary subject that deals with ETHICS, PATRIOTISM, NON-CORRUPTION, OBEYING LAW, RESPECTING EACH OTHER

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  • Vilas Kunder, Surtkal /Kuwait

    Wed, Feb 04 2009

    Children are Gifts from the lord . Police are thinking law is in their  hands so they can do anything.They are here to protect us.What they have done is a shameful thing.I hate the man who did the shameful thing,because of one policeman the whole system has to suffer.

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  • mark lobo, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Feb 04 2009

    Come on Bajrang Dal, take the first flight to UP and bash the police!!!!!

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  • Ganesh Pai, Mangalore/Canada

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    This is the 'Police' culture we have in India. Very unfortunate. I guarantee you - this goes on in every single Police station!! This has nothing to do with ruling govt. It's dishonest to blame the UP govt as much as blaming BJP in Karnataka for any misconduct of Karnataka police.

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  • Victor Castelino, kuwait

    Wed, Feb 04 2009

    We have stamp scam, stock scam & name it more where crore's & crore's money of public eaten by those guys & still they are treated like VIP's in Jails & our police don't even touch them. Here a poor slum girl was beaten mercilessly by the police for just stealing Rs.280.000?.

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  • Hariprasad, mangalore

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    it is ok my friends, coz this is our india culture..

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  • dhanapal kodiyalbail, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    how good the cops are, and how perfect are they to punish others. if they are perfect then everything will be perfect. sacking the cops are the best solution.

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  • abdul, mangalore/saudi

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    Mr. shenoy. grow up. the topic here is about a girl been beaten by police.. dnt get old issues and cover up others . ur knowledge about politics is ver bad, sad to say dat. girl made a mistake , but there are other was to punish, it is wrong and tough actions have been taken. dnt get politics here.

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    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    Dear Vishal D'Souza, our State and  particularly Mangalore is not far from being the  "most corrupt & lawless states in India. "

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  • Ivan Martis, Bangalore

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    Shenoy, I don't think SP is ruling in UP, given this fact Renuka Chowdry will not have any problems in "showing sympathy" to the child :)

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  • Ronald Mathias, Mangalore/Canada

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    By the photo it looks like police officer is holding the little girl upside down, with her legs up. These policemen should be punished for punishing this little child. Even if the child has stolen money, guide her, counsel her, she may not know what she did, Forgive the innocent child. These police treat poor very harshly.

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  • Edwin Saldanha, Shivbagh, Kadri, Mangalore.

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    Dismissal of SSI for his inhuman act is the least the authorities could do. The Policeman should be taken to task. He should be punished the same way he punished the little girl and put behind bars for life.

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  • Prem, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    When the SI was treating the child in that manner other, Inspector and cops where just enjoying it. I think there is no human feeling for the UP police.

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  • Najam Batrekere, BAJPE

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    This is (our) police!. Police must have good training and reforms first. Normally police mentality is to serve the masters whoever may be party / politician / briber. Police used to serve Raja, Maharaja, Nawabs, Sultans then British and now Ruling parties or those who can pay / bribe !! For good and matured India we need sincere, unbiased and non communal police. I mean a real Police.

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  • C.J.Dantis, Mangalore Kuwait

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    This subject shows lot of loop holes in Law and Order of India .Definitely need lot of training to the personnel who deal with kids,adults,senior citizens,and mostly with girls,ladies and women who are helpless .

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  • Tarun Bhatia, Dubai

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    This is India,killing priests, raping Nuns ,burning Churches and Mosques  big Brothers go free. What do you expect from the police of this Country .

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  • Eric Coelho, Mangalore/Ajman

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    We have completed 62 Years of Independence and to highlight some of the achievements made by us is Brutality and exploitation of weaker Sex, Growth of Wealth and Money Power of Politicians, Wider Gap between the Rich and Poor, Division of Caste and Creed, Increase in Rape and Corruption, Failure of Government Machinary to check Hoolganism, Assault.

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  • lancy d'souza, mangalore

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    Mr.Shenoy. make sure who is ruling UP  now and pass a comment. If you are not sure about facts, desist from commenting .

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  • Shenoy, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    Correction for my previous posting... BSP is ruling UP not SP. So many parties , hence the confusion...

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  • Shenoy, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    Where is Renuka chowdhary now? Hope she will raise her voice  now . Since SP is congress ally which is ruling UP I am not sure how she will respond now.

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  • Abdul, UBAR/DOHA

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    "Ramalingaraju" -  who stole billions of rupees,  gets  royal treatment ,  best lawyers and a possiblilty if a bail. But this poor dalith girl who presumably stole a few hundred rupees is beaten up mercilessly. Shame  on INDIAN POLICE.!

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    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    is this indian culture....?

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  • Flavy D'Mello, Bangalore

    Wed, Feb 04 2009

    Shame on you kahaki animal! Where's the saviour of Hindu culture Rama Sena supremo Pramod Muthalik? Can his Rama Sena stop such inhuman brutuality?

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  • R Prabhu, KSA

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    Where are Attavar, Muthalik and his men from the wild? Dont they have a branch in UP and Bihar. Now they should beat up the police from the concerned station for beating up a 6yr old innocent girl. It can be summarised that all their actions have no base and full of BAKHWAAS.

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  • Vijay, Bangalore

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    These policemen treat political goonda's as VIP's and assault poor. They should be sacked from immediate effect.

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  • suman, mangalore.uae

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    if a 6yr old girl stole money why should she be punished like an adult i cant understand, and thus such police should be dismissed

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  • Praveen K, UAE

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    Rama Sena, whrerever you are, rush the spot!

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    Tue, Feb 03 2009


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  • neil martis, udupi / dubai

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    Very sad news... why Pramod Muthalik is quiet now ? A dalit girl is not a Hindu ?

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  • wenrene P, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    Oh. Its Indian culture! beating the girls.The brutality of the police is well known.

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  • Jennet Prescilla, Mangalore / Muscat

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    This is height of Polic brutality. This child is just 6 years, why she should be punished like an adult I do not understand. Did this happen just because she belongs to the Dalit family. Even if so, aren't they human beings? Would the police behaved in the same manner if this child belonged to a high cast family. There are many questions arising, why can't the peopole who handed over the girl to the police have unjustly accused the child, just because she is a Dalit. The news says the child admitted to the theft. In face of police brutality even an adult will admit to a crime not committed by them to avoid the harsh beating and this little girl is only a child. I feel the Police officials involved should be lashed 100 times for this brutality apart from their termination. Then only such crimes against the innocent will stop.

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  • Ganesh, Bangalore

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    It can only happen in India. After all this, they have the effrontery to justify their actions. Its sick and barbaric.

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  • Vishal D'Souza, Mangalore / Bangalore

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    The most corrupt & lawless states in India are UP & Bihar. At least Bihar slightly improved but UP will never improve as all of the political leaders & total administration itself are criminals. So no hope of UP developing under BSP or SP rule. Some national parties should take over the state.

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  • yogeesh kumar, Dubai/Padubidri

    Tue, Feb 03 2009

    Is this will become a national issue ...I doubt ...where is social welfare association?

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