Hyderabad, Dec 17: Telugu film heroine Bhargavi was stabbed to death at her flat at Venkateswaranagar in upmarket Banjara Hills on Tuesday. The 22-year-old actress was allegedly killed by Praveen Kumar alias Bujji, her partner, who committed suicide after the act. His body was found with the head on her lap.
There were seven stab injuries on Bhargavi’s body — four on her chest and three on the abdomen. Apparently the partner, who claimed to be her husband, was unable to digest her success. Police recovered a dagger that Kumar used to kill Bhargavi. A CD with pictures of their wedding was also found in the room.
Praveen Kumar, 38, was suspected to have consumed cyanide by mixing it in a soft drink. Bhargavi’s mother, who stays with her, was away at their native place, Guntur. The actress had returned to Hyderabad on Monday evening.
At 6 am on Tuesday, Ramesh, the producer of a new movie that Bhargavi had signed, spoke to her over the phone. When cab driver Ramesh went to pick her up at 6.30 pm, she did not respond when he called on her mobile.
Then two crew members, Prashanth and Srikanth, went to her third floor house and found Bhargavi and Praveen Kumar dead.
Bhargavi was one of the heroines in the recent Telugu hit film ‘Ashta Chamma’. A television anchor and actor, Bhargavi ventured into films doing small roles before hitting it big with ‘Ashta Chamma’. After the success of this film, Bhargavi started shooting for another film titled ‘Holidays’ as a heroine. She also had other movies on hand.
Bhargavi was a native of Gorantla in Guntur district and Praveen Kumar used to sing for Sai Baba Orchestra in Nellore. A suicide note written by Praveen Kumar said Bhargavi’s mother was not allowing him to meet his ‘wife’ after the success of ‘Ashta Chamma’.
In the suicide note, Praveen said he first got married to one Harshita and as she had abandoned him, he got married to another girl, Swapna. Bhargavi had joined Praveen’s Sai Baba Orchestra in Nellore as a dancer. Bhargavi was involved with another person then, the note claimed. But the relationship turned sour and Praveen lent her his shoulder to cry on.