New Delhi: I Met My Father's Assassin: Priyanka

Indiatimes News Network
with inputs from agencies

New Delhi, Apr 15: Speaking to a news channel, Priyanka Vadra has acknowledged that she visited Vellore to meet her father's assassin.

Priyanka said that it was a personal visit. She further added, “I needed to make peace with violence in my life.”

A Chennai lawyer had filed an application under the Right to Information Act (RTI) last week seeking information on a purported meeting on March 19 between Priyanka and Nalini at the special prison for women in Vellore. On March 19, Priyanka was indeed in Vellore to visit the Sripuram temple.

The RTI applicant, D Raj Kumar, has sought the prison superintendent's response to a number of queries: Under which legal provision was Priyanka permitted to meet Nalini, who accompanied her, how long did the meeting last, and what did they talk about?

Nalini was given the death sentence by a special court for being involved in Rajiv Gandhi's assassination on May 21, 1991, in Sriperumbudur.


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  • Stephen George, Houston, Tx./ Agra, India

    Tue, Apr 15 2008

    Dear Priyanka, I live in Houston, Tx. I used to live in Agra(UP)whenever your precious dad/our respected Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was assasinated. In fact, I think 2 days before that unfortunate day his caravan passed through Agra bringing joy to the city(especially when he sat in a little dhaba and had tea, and picked up a little child in his arms and made his day.

    That night the Lord Jesus Christ spoke to my heart concerning the safety of your respected dad. I sent him and hon'ble mom a telegram from the Agra Telegraph office, saying something to this effect, "Praying for your safety, hon'ble Prime Minister". I don't know why I had this gnawing feeling from God in my heart that something was seriously going to go wrong and that the nation would never see this beloved Prime Minister.

    I'm not sure If He or your honorable mom, ever received my telegram. In that cable, I pleaded for him to increase the safety measures around him. I know that is too late now to think about that, but to think about you going to meet your dad's assassin in itself is a noble work. Surely royal blood flows in your veins. It is my prayer that the gracious Lord will protect/your family, Rahul and hon'ble Ms. Sonia Gandhi for whom we have prayed since then consistently, for it is people such as the Gandhi/Nehru family that has given our precious India the identity of a democratic republic.

    Though I live in America, a little piece of India still lives on in my heart and I cherish it. I don't expect an answer to my email, of course I will be honored if I do get a feedback, but I pray every Indian, will visit and forgive those who sin against us. God bless you, Pastor Stephen George, Houston, Tx.

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