Rahul as PM Candidate: DMK Welcomes Idea

Chennai, Apr 15:
DMK chief M Karunanidhi on Monday welcomed the idea of projecting Rahul Gandhi as the UPA's Prime Ministerial candidate in next year's Lok Sabha polls.

"I will be happy if he is made the Prime Ministerial candidate," he told reporters in reply to a question.

On including the creamy layer of OBC in 27 per cent reservation in institutions of higher learning, Karunanidhi said he had taken up the matter with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Union Human Resource Development Minister Arjun Singh.

DMK's action committee, one of the party's policy making bodies, would meet here on April 18 to finalise the party's stand on the issue, he said.

After the meeting, the party would be presenting its views to the Centre on the matter, he said.

DMK has already demanded that the Centre take immediate measures for a fair and just review of various 'parameters' including the income limit for defining the OBCs in the light of the Supreme Court judgment so that a solution to the issue could be reached and the benefits extended in the coming academic year itself.


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