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New Delhi, Jul 27: Top Bollywood singer Sonu Niigaam, who's belted out tunes featured in numerous Hindi movies, says he still has much to learn, a newspaper reported Thursday.

Niigaam, 33, is regarded by many filmmakers as one of the best male singers in Bollywood, where nearly every film has a handful of song-and-dance numbers, and the singles released along with the movie provide a crucial source of revenue.

Niigaam has had dozens of hits since he began singing as a teenager, but said he doesn't feel like he's reached the height of his career.

"I was very ambitious in my late teens and early 20s to establish myself as a singer, but I feel I have much more to learn,'' Niigaam was quoted as saying by The Asian Age newspaper. "If I feel that I have reached the pinnacle, then I will lose everything I have achieved so far.''

Niigaam's range is wide _ he has sung Hindu religious songs that resonate in homes and temples; hip-hop numbers, children's songs and soft romantic melodies.

The biggest hit albums of the year so far  - "Fanaa,'' or "Self Destruction,'' and "Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna,'' or "Never Say Goodbye'' -  feature his work.

Niigaam recently changed his name from "Nigam,''  - an increasingly common practice in Bollywood where astrologers are advising stars to adopt new spellings, saying the move will bring them luck.


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