Chandigarh, June 17 (IANS): Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Singh on Monday said an additional 800 MW Ultra Super Critical Thermal Power Unit at the Rajiv Gandhi Thermal Power Plant in Khedar in Hisar would be commissioned with an outlay of Rs 7,250 crore.
This initiative will enable the state to achieve self-reliance in power generation, he said while addressing a gathering at the launch of the Additional Subsidy Scheme under 'Pradhan Mantri Suryaghar Free Electricity Scheme' at a state-level function in Ambala.
He also distributed certificates among beneficiaries of the scheme.
In another important announcement, the Chief Minister declared the abolition of the monthly minimum charge for electricity. From now on, residents will receive bills based solely on the number of units of electricity consumed, providing much-needed relief to electricity consumers.
He said under this scheme, a subsidy of Rs 60,000 will be provided by the Central government, for setting up a rooftop solar plant for poor families with an income of less than Rs 180,000. Additionally, a subsidy of Rs 50,000 will be provided by the state.
Although the cost of installing a rooftop solar plant is Rs 110,000, the consumer will not have to spend anything from their pocket. Similarly, families with an income between Rs 180,000 and Rs 3 lakh will receive a subsidy of Rs 60,000 from the Centre and Rs 20,000 from the state.