Guv writes to Bengal govt seeking removal of Kolkata Police from Raj Bhavan security duty

Kolkata, Jun 17 (IANS): Governor CV Ananda Bose, on Monday sent a communique to the state Secretariat Nabanna, asking the West Bengal government to immediately remove Kolkata Police from security duty at Raj Bhavan.

Sources in the Raj Bhavan said that in the missive, Governor Bose has claimed that he does not feel secure due to the deployment of Kolkata Police personnel and hence they should be called back with immediate effect.

However, till the filing of this report, there was no reaction from the state government on this count.

Earlier, late in the evening on June 14, Governor Bose had issued a statement demanding the immediate replacement of the Kolkata Police personnel posted on duty at Raj Bhavan.

Now, he has called for total removal of Kolkata Police personnel from Raj Bhavan.

In the earlier statement, the Governor had also claimed that he will not meet the state minister incharge of the police department unless the victims of post-poll violence were allowed to meet him.

In that statement he had also said that he has asked the state administration to ensure that victims of post-poll violence can return home safely and resume their normal life.

Incidentally, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, who is also the state Home Minister, is in charge of the police department.

On Sunday evening, Governor Bose met the Leader of Opposition in the state Assembly, Suvendu Adhikari, who came to the Raj Bhavan with a group of victims of post-poll violence.

Thereafter, Bose made a strong statement quoting a recent order of the Calcutta High Court, and said that it seemed that he was under house-arrest.

“Those who are victims of post-poll violence were not earlier allowed to meet the Governor,” he said on Sunday evening.

“In the name of all great men born in West Bengal I promise to go to the extreme point in the matter,” Bose added.



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