Media Release
Mangaluru, Dec 20: The hotels, shops, malls and street vendors that come under the Mangaluru City Corporation limit have been informed that according to the Order No. FEE 17EPC2012 passed by the Karnataka Government dated 11.03.2016, single use plastic has been banned. This includes plastic buntings, plastic flex, plastic plates, plastic flags, spoons, thermocol and things made of micom. Accordingly, the revised solid waste management Order No. AKK:571/(E) dated 12-08-2021 has been implemented on 01-07-2022.
Despite the order, several establishments have been using banned plastic materials and causing inconvenience to the environment as well as waste management, the order has observed also adding that animals have been consuming waste from the discarded plastic bags and dying. It has been pointed out that the tender coconut vendors have been using plastic.
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The order warns that the city corporation officials will be seizing any or all plastic materials. Lawful action will be initiated against vendors that continue to use plastic. The plastic flex and banners raised will be removed. Those who put up similar banners will face lawful action as well. "These materials only deface the beauty of the city. The printers of these materials will come under the ambit of offenders. Their license will be cancelled and a fine shall be imposed," cations the order.
The members concerned have been asked to take necessary preventive measures.