Media Release
Udupi, Apr 14: Stroke is an important non communicable disease. One in four adults will experience a stroke in their lifetime. To raise the awareness about stroke, on the eve of World Stroke Day October 29, 2021, department of Neurosciences, Kasturba Hospital, Manipal conducted stroke awareness campaign. Kasturba Hospital, Manipal along with various other institutions in India participated in creating stroke pledges for awareness through a stroke assessment App as an initiative taken by BoehringerIngelheim India, and attempted to create a Guinness World Record of 'Most pledges received for a stroke awareness campaign'. Kasturba Hospital, Manipal gave significant contributions and by creating a total of 17,691 pledges all over India, a Guinness World Record was successfully created. The hospital also conducted stroke screening activity by Blood pressure and blood sugar check along with stroke awareness and education to over 500 patients/participants attending KH OPD. The pledge registration for all attempt was held on the portal
In continuation of the above and 60 years of Kasturba Hospital 'patient first' approach, an in-hospital stroke awareness programme was held on April 8. Also the Guinness World Record participation is a successful attempt was recognized and a plaque handing over was done and same was received by Dr Sharath Kumar Rao, dean, Kasturba Medical College, CG Muthana, chief operation Officer and Dr Avinash Shetty, Medical Superintendent, Kasturba Hospital, Manipal. The dean emphasised the need for stroke awareness and also to build up subspecialties at Kasturba Hospital for better patient care and services. The medical superintendent recognised the efforts of these stroke awareness programme in patient education and better stroke care.
Dr Aparna R Pai, professor and head, department of Neurology welcomed the gathering. Dr Nikith A, associate professor department of Neurology gave stroke awareness talk. Dr Nisha Shenoy, associate professor of Neurology Master of ceremony of the program and proposed vote of thanks.