Media release
Mangaluru, Aug 29: Yuva Milan 2021 was organized by the Angelore Youth Movement (AYM) affiliated with the Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM) of Guardian Angel Parish Angelore on August 29 in the Golden Jubilee Hall. The dignitaries on the dais were Fr William Menezes, parish priest, Fr Lawrence Cutinha, assistant parish priest, Alistair D’Souza, animator, Melisha pinto, president and Joylin D’Souza, secretary. Around 50 youths participated in the programme.
The program began with a prayer song followed by reflections on the reading from the Holy Bible by Fr William Menezes. Melisha Pinto, the president of AYM welcomed the dignitaries and the gathering. Fr William Menezes, parish priest of Guardian Angel Church and the director of AYM unit Angelore, presided over the function. In his address, he congratulated the youth for coming together in large numbers and organizing this event. He highlighted the role of youth in the parish and society.
He emphasized that youth are the center focus of the parish with their vibrant energy they can bring a better revolution in the society and he encouraged them to come forward and take an active part in all the activities. He also thanked Alistair D’Souza, animator of Angelore Youth Movement for his service.
On this occasion, Alistair D’Souza the animator was felicitated for his service to the Angelore Youth Movement by Fr William Menezes and Fr Lawrence Cutinha. Ovin Pereira, the joint secretary of AVM on behalf of the youth, thanked Alistair D'Souza for his immense contribution in the past years to youth activity. The Yuva Milan programme was cheerful with the games followed by the meeting along with the new newly appointed Office bearers and the youth who joined the program. Joylin D’Souza presented the report Lawrence Cutinha, assistant parish priest and assistant director of Angelore youth movement conducted the meeting. The youths participated with a lot of enthusiasm and came up with plans for future activities.
The vote of thanks was proposed by vice president Aarol Lobo.