Media Release by Lawrence Mascarenhas
Chicago, Apr 5: The Mangalorean Konkan Christians Association, Chicago celebrated Easter with great pomp at the Courtland Square Community Hall, Des Plaines, Illinois on April 3, 2010.
The program was initiated by blessing of fire and incense, a mark of new beginning in life. The Easter Vigil and Holy Mass was concelebrated by Rev. Fr. Henry Sequeira and Rev. Fr. Richie Vaz. Fr. Vaz in his homily stated that the Easter signifies dominance of everlasting life over the evil, which is death. He said that the tomb of Jesus was blocked by a big stone to safeguard his body because Pilate knew the prophecy of resurrection. But that stone was rolled by the divine spirit and the son of Lord resurrected on the 3rd day of his humiliating death. Fr. Vaz further stated that we all face problems and challenges in our life as an individual, as a family and as a community and we all need divine help to roll that stone. So, he gave a strong call to the devotees present in help each other “in rolling stones” faced by other and get the divine help in doing so. The devotees present renewed their Baptismal vows during the Mass.
The choir was conducted by the MKCA members and hymns were sung in Konkani.
The formal program began with the welcome speech by Queenie Mendonca, President. In her speech she showered appreciation for the members, guests and well-wishers present in large numbers and requested their support for MKCA’s future programs.

This was followed by Compeer Dr. Austin D’Souza Prabhu conducting a short Homage to the Konkani music legend Wilfred Rebimbus, popularly known as “Wilfy”. Austin sang a short poem composed by him in Wilfy’s honor. He stated that in fact Late Wilfy Rebimbus was a great artiste like Michael Jackson and Elvis Presely. Besides, his multi-faceted talents of writing dramas, composing songs, singing and journalism made him an unique and unparallel artiste in Konkani. Austin presented a short list of achievements of Wilfy and how he ascended from composing his own Konkani songs at the tender age of 14 years and infusing them with unique Konkani tunes for the first time in Konkani. There was a short power point presentation with exceerts of Konkani songs of Wilfy. A short power point presentation was made with excerpts of Konkani songs of Late Wilfy Remimbus.
There were games for children conducted by Florine Rodrigues. There was also impromptu singing by Ligory Martis, Rexon D’Souza, Alphonse Mascarenhas, Crystal Rodrigues, Rupa Misquita, Melissa Miranda, Arun Serrao and Romana Sequeira. Pais, mesmerized the audience with his Hermonica instrumental play to the tunes of oldies.
There was delicious Indian style dinner catered from Pakwan. MKCA Secretary Francis Mascarenhas proposed the vote of thanks. The program was concluded by singing “Loudathe Dominum” by all the members present.
This was followed by “Baila Dance” to the tunes of Konkani, Tulu, Kannada, Hindi, Spanish and English songs; which were sung by DJ of the program Darrel Mascarenhas. The members present danced till they dropped. The program was very successful under the efficient and effective chairmanship of immediate past president Lawrence Mascarenhas.
This program was well compered by Dr. Austin Prabhu. He announced following future programs arranged by MKCA: Konkan Fest on June 26, Annual Picnic on August 14, Monthi Fest on September 11, Christmas Around the World on December 4th and Nathal Fest (Christmas) on December 18th.