Doha Church Hosts First Marian Convention

by Alexis Castelino
Daijiworld Media Network – Doha (SP)

Doha, Sep 26: The First Marian Convention at the Church of Lady of Rosary in Qatar, was held from September 21 to 23, 2009. The three-day event comprisedprayer, learning, fellowship and worship. The convention was held during the Eid holidays with the specific objective of providing an opportunity to as many people as possible, to benefit from this huge spiritual gathering. International speakers from the Vatican, Rome, India and the Philippines, addressed the gathering during the convention.
The event was inaugurated with a Holy Mass celebrated by Bishop Paul Hinder, of the Apostolic Vicariate of Arabia, in which more than 3,500 people of different nationalities and age groups, took part. Parish priest, Fr Peter said, “All parishioners were encouraged to attend, especially those located far away from the church, and who are unable to come for the usual prayer services for any reason.”

The convention had four daily sessions of reflection on the verses from the Holy Bible.

On the first day, Fr James Thamburaj chose the verse, ‘There is one God, the Father, from whom all things and for whom we exist’. He explained that believers should appreciate and thank the blessings given by the Lord to everyone. He also urged the people to teach the new generation to get closer to God and pray. 
Melo Villaroman shared with the audience many stories and personal experiences of the people, who found peace when they believed in God and followed His teachings. Those who attended the convention expressed the opinion that it was a truly rare opportunity for all the Christians to greatly enrich themselves and grow spiritually, by listening to exalted resource persons from all over the world.


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