Dubai: Mangalore Konkans Present 39th Show of ‘Mhataro Chorbela’

Dubai: Mangalore Konkans Present 39th Show of ‘Mhataro Chorbela’
Pics by Sujay Bendur & Noel Quadros
Daijiworld Media Network—Dubai (CN)

Dubai, Sep 26: Mangalore Konkans Dubai presented the 39th show of popular Konkani comedy ‘Mhataro Chorbela’, written by Francis Fernandes Cascia, at 6.30 pm on Friday September 25 at the Emirates Theatre near Al Safa, Dubai.

The play has already set a record for staging the maximum number of shows for a Mangalorean Konkani play.

This was the second show in Dubai while the first show was staged last year with local artistes. This show was presented by artistes from Mumbai and the lead was played by Francis Fernandes Cascia.

Over 700 Konkani enthusiasts from around Dubai witnessed this comedy show. 

A brief felicitation was also held by the organizers on the occasion. Main sponsor Michael D’ Souza of Humaid al Suwaidi, Joseph Mathias of Merit Freight Systems, Frank Fernandes of Mosaco Shipping, Lancy Madtha of Integrated Freight, and Remy Rodrigues were felicitated for their support to the show.

During the show, three Konkani albums were released. These albums—‘Kazar’ Konkani movie album, Stany Souza’s ''Eka Pakya Pondli Gayanam' and Arthur Pereira’s ‘Taram’— have already been released in India.


Santosh Nazareth, president of Mangalore Konkans, in his address thanked the sponsors and Konkani buffs for their contribution to the success of the show.

Budding compere Roshan D’Silva Vamanjoor, who recently shifted base from Kuwait to Dubai, compered the event admirably.

Earlier, the play had been staged in Abu Dhabi by the same troupe on Thursday September 24. The play is poised to touch 50 shows by next month with more performances scheduled to be held in Mumbai and Mangalore.

Mangalore Konkans Dubai, which is in its 21st year, had organized this event with professional arrangements and a disciplined approach.


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  • Julie Franices & family, Perampalli/U.A.E

    Tue, Sep 29 2009

    Dear Uncle , we enjoyed the show and this was the first show in the konkani age, people were laughing from first to end , its a full comedy drama with a very good story which happens these days , all the actors and actresses have worked very hard .You broke the record of konkani stage.your are too good and too young ...our hats off to you !

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  • D.X. D'Souza, Attavar/Dubai

    Tue, Sep 29 2009

    Daiji thank you for giving us a forum to exchange our views. However, an intelligent, stimulating and productive discussion requires one's views to be founded on solid, fair, well-thought, rational grounds.

    Point One-Look Beyond the Surface. Mere habit of having mellifluous Konkani speeches is minimal and unreliable evidence of love for one’s language, community and culture. Some of the world’s greatest politicians can make incredibly flowery speeches, but their true love and concern for the people is sorely lacking.

    Point Two-Back Up Your Statements.Please prove that MK has a “policy” of only speaking in Konkani on stage. Otherwise do not make such alleged statements on behalf of an organization out of thin air.

    Point Three-All Murmurs are Not Intelligent or Relevant. Many ill-minded, petty, nonsensical murmurs meant to create drama for no need. When you have an intelligent reason for your murmur, then raise your voice and let it be heard. Point Four-See the Big Picture. This kind of whining, petty attitude leads me to wonder whether we have degenerated into such narrow, dare I say fundamentalist views about what being Konkan means?? Those of us diseased with this mentality avoid any intelligent reasoning about what truly constitutes being a cultural ambassador and promoter.

    God forbid, one of our children ever wants to go on stage on behalf of MK and speaks in English and we rip them apart because that means they are not 100% Konkani. I rest my case.

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  • ashu, bantakal/dubai

    Mon, Sep 28 2009

    First of All my hearty Congratts to Mangalore Konkans for organising this Drama, it was worth watching.Mr.Francis Cassia, Truely u r a real comedy king, no doubt in it.It would have been more nice if the thanks giving speech of President was in Konkany but never the less Over all it was a well organized program

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  • anita lobo, dubai

    Mon, Sep 28 2009

    Dear Mr Dsouza, sorry to read your statements. If you want to discuss about the language, children and english there is a need of separate forum to discuss, it is not related to our comments to drama forum. Instead of tryin to divert the attention, pls accept the open truth on behalf of MK (You said you are one of the sponsors !!) and advice them to rectify the error in next Konkani event. Every one makes mistakes, no one is saints here. This will help them to stick to their policy which they are following without any error since last 20 plus years. I am a regular follower of their events, and it is my opinion that past presidents like James Mendonca and others worked real cause of Konkani. Jai Ho Konkani

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  • Naveen Robert D'Souza, Kuwait

    Mon, Sep 28 2009

    Nice to see Roshan on Dubai stage, We all in Kuwait miss you a lot.All the best Roshan.

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  • Balakrishna T. Shetty, Palladakody/Mangalore/Riyadh

    Sun, Sep 27 2009

    Hello Dear Francis Fernandes Cascia look so cute and sexy in your white half pant and shirt. Are you getting ready to go to school? I am sure you will celebrate its Golden Jubilee shortly. May God bless you.

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  • Joy Miranda, Mangalore, Dubai

    Sun, Sep 27 2009

    The play was 100% konkani play. Mr president of Mangalore Konkans you are trying to promote konkani langauge , then why is your english speech? first set an example to others by speaking the langauge. Next time please dont commit this mistake.

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  • Valerian Rebello, Udupi/Dubai

    Sun, Sep 27 2009

    Dear D X D'Souza, Attavar/Dubai, I am referring about Konkani language & you talk about Mangalorean identity. I am not here to point out mistake & make an issue for discussion. There is a genuine lapse by the organizers and this will be accepted by majority of crowd attended this function. May be they do not write openly but the murmuring & talking to each other on that day is the proof (may be you were sitting in the front & you did not noticed it). I love Mangalore Konkans, I respect them as one of the finest association in UAE and their organizational capabilities are highest and I salute them. I attend their every program as they always give quality programs. The last event was a very well organized and I will be the first one to appreciate them. What I say is when a organization calls itself as a champion & promoter of Konkani culture, we least expect them to use Konkani language in their speeches, as showing concern about Konkani in English speeches is a mere eyewash.

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  • D X D'Souza, Attavar/Dubai

    Sun, Sep 27 2009

    Dear Anitha, Valerian...and all readers. My attempt is not to cover up any so-called "lapse". I do not see it as a lapse and I believe most open-minded folks would not either. As it stands, I continue to be a regular financial sponsor of MK programs. I think many would agree that a mere speech in English should not be seen as a grave lapse and should not be used as a negative remark against a sterling organization like MK. Since when did love for Konkani equal English-bashing? It appears that you did not catch the heart of my message, which is love for Konkani is more than just speaking the language. When we are so quick to equate fluency and willingness to speak Konkani with love for Mangalore/Mangalorean pride, we are missing the point.

    Many nuances and elements consitute being a proud Mangalorean. It’s better to encourage one’s children to speak Konkani, than to insist. Better to understand our rich history and legacy than take it for granted. In all things in life, look beyond the surface and do not be quick to judge. I do not doubt that the MK President is a native speaker and chose to speak in English. That is his choice and his prerogative. Let us consider his history of involvement in the organization. For instance, think for a moment...perhaps the President may have prepared his speech in English as opposed to Konkani and chose to read from what he had prepared. Sometimes it may be a simple a reason as that….

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  • anita lobo, dubai

    Sun, Sep 27 2009

    Mr D X Dsouza, pls do not try to cover-up the lapse made by Mangalore Konkans during the event. I bet, it was 100% Konkani event with 101% Konkani crowd!. Not even a single sponsor from outside Konkani speaking !. When Mr President started speaking English whole crowd started murmering. I agree that, it is the wish of organiser to chose what language to speak on the stage, no one can impose on them as they spend money and they are one who put the efforts. But all I want to say, Mangalore Konkans has lost that valuable point / mark after the English speech by president. Nothing else.

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  • Valerian , Udupi/Dubai

    Sun, Sep 27 2009

    Dear D.X. D'Souza, Attavar/Dubai, when an organization which is called Mangalore "Konkans" and a president of such a prestigious organization in his speech repeatedly speaks about supporting the Konkani language, why he can not speak in Konkani.

    I do understand if we have sponsors, audience from different community then one has to speak in English. But it was a 100% Konkani crowd including the sponsors. I could clearly hear a lot of murmuring from many who present that day during president’s speech, which should give a clear signal to the organizers. No one is against English language, It is very easy to give speeches on the stage, but lead with the example otherwise people will not take such speech seriously.

    I do have 2 children, I am proud to say that even though I stay in Dubai by both the children can speak Konkani fluently. Until you cultivate this habit at home, do not expect Konkani to be alive for the next century.

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  • D.X. D'Souza, Attavar/Dubai

    Sun, Sep 27 2009

    Superb Mangalore Konkans! The performance, acoustics, volunteer assistance were the best seen thus far. The auditorium you chose was incredibly comfortable...a definite upgrade from past venues. Ms. Anitha Lobo and to those with her mentality, kindly consider that the mandate for Mangalore Konkans is the celebration and promotion of Konkani culture and heritage.

    They do not promise a 100% Konkani event. A true love for one’s culture and identity is more than just speaking the language fluently. The eminent Mr. Shashi Tharoor loves his state of Kerala and is a proud Malayalee, but his own Malayam skills are lacking. Let us not pass petty judgements. To love being Konkan, starts from the heart, not just from the lips.

    Just because we speak Konkani, does not necessarily mean we truly know what it means to be an ambassador of our minority community. My children's Konkani happens to be average at best, but they know far more about the history and lineage of Mangalorean Catholics...even the history of Konkani...than almost of all us do. Their natural curiosity for the culture far outweighs the manner in which many of us take our Mangalorean Catholic identity for granted.

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  • anitha lobo, Kulshekar

    Sun, Sep 27 2009

    Very well organised event, and good comedy play. But I was sad and indeed ashamed to hear English speech in a 100% Konkani event. It was a sad day for Konkani. Dear Mangalore Konkans, kindly do not repeat such mistakes.

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  • Clevin D'Souza, Pangla / Dubai

    Sun, Sep 27 2009

    Three Cheers to Francisab and his entire team of 'Mhataro Chorbela' for their splended performance. Though this drama was staged second time in Dubai, the crowd was huge and they all enjoyed every bit of it. Hats of to all the artist from Mumbai for their excellent performance. Though I acted two times in this drama it was very nice to see it in a audience chair and enjoy the comedy.Long Live Francisab.

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  • Veronica Rego, Kinnigoly/Karama-Dubai

    Sat, Sep 26 2009

    Hat's off to the evergreen Veteran of Konkani drama Mr. Francis Fernandes Cascia. The show was hilarious with every artists giving in their best. Well managed and controlled by the Mangalore Konkans. Nice way of bringing all the Mangaloreans under one roof. My hearty congratulations to the upcoming new singers Stany & Arthur.

    Good performance by the compere Roshan who kept the audience lively throughout. Above all, wonderful coverage by Daijiworld which is loved and appreciated by people all over the world. Long live Mr. Francis Fernandes Cascia! Good Luck to Mr. Frank Fernandes on the release of his Konkani film album

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  • alwyn dsouza, shirva/dubai

    Sat, Sep 26 2009

    This play was awesome.the first konkani drama which I saw till nw,francis fernades is superb.all the best for his group.

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    Sat, Sep 26 2009

    Congratulations to Mhataro Chorbela team. Hats off to Francis Fernandes, for giving such wonderful performance. Above all thanks to Daijiworld for the photo album.

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  • Valerian Rebello, Udupi / Dubai

    Sat, Sep 26 2009

    This was by far one of the best drama staged in Dubai in recent history. Everything from organizing, stage setting, sounds, music, MC ....... was excellent. The artists from Mumbai lead by Francis Fernandes, Cascia have done exceptionally good job. A big thanks to Mangalore Konkans for organizing such a well planned and well uted event. Only weak point was the speech of Mangalore Konkans president. He chose to speak in English when he in his speech was repeatedly referring about the development and encouragement to Konkani language. Organizers please keep in mind the public watch your every step. Walk the Talk first instead otherwise.

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