Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (SP)
Mangalore, Aug 25: The Married couples of Anjelore parish had a unique experience on Sunday August 23, 2009, as the day had been set aside for them to mark the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of the parish. Backed by the theme, ‘Enkindling Faith and Hope in our families, let us build our parish community,’ a meet was organized jointly by the Spiritual Committee and the Jubilee Committee headed by the Anjelore parish priest, Fr Stany B Lobo.
The couple participated actively in the holy eucharist at 7.30 am, celebrated by Fr Santhosh Rodrigues, director, Family Life Centre in the city. In his homily, he stressed the role of families in building the local church. He emphasized the need of living the faith in God, through a life of prayer and sacrifices, faithfulness of man and woman to each other by living their vows which they professed at the time of marriage, and serving one another as life partners, to their children and the other family members. He drove home this point, by quoting the song of Ruth in Old Testament, ‘wherever you go, there shall I,’ as a mark of her service to her mother- in-law. Lastly, he exhorted the couples to conserve the family traditions of Christian Values
Soon after the mass, the couples assembled in the parish hall. After the registration and the break fast, vicar Fr S Lobo formally inaugurated the meet by lighting the ‘Diya’. In his mini-message, he reminded the couples that each partner should be 100% committed to each other in all areas and not to be 50% husband and 50% wife (fifty – fifty as some may say) if they want to make their marriage a success.
A lot of ‘inputs’ were provided and interactions were conducted by the two eminent speakers of the day, Paul Andrade from Jeppu, and Precilla Pinto from Bendore.
Andrade spoke on the role of a man in raising a happy family. He said, no marriage is perfect, but it is made perfect through Christian principles of love and forgiveness. In order to see changes in our lives, we need to change our own attitudes. Never underestimate or label your partner or your children. While giving your time, let your family have a priority, for, charity begins at home, he explained in lucid terms.
While speaking on the role of an ideal wife, Pinto stressed that the need of the hour is to encourage our children equally in Christian education, just like the way the people take interest and put efforts in their academic studies. A wife needs to give importance to her personal cleanliness too, as much as she takes care of the house, she explained.
Albert Lasrado conducted spot games. Vice-president Jossy D’Souza proposed vote of thanks and assistant parish priest, Fr Gratian Alvares, prayed the grace before meals. The meet came to a close, with a sumptuous and delicious lunch, sponsored by Alwyn D’Silva and Family of the parish.