by Adolf Washington- Bangalore
Bangalore, Jul 27: Karnataka (Bangalore):Delegates from all across karnataka representing various dioceses and organisations including members from the Federation of Karnataka Christian Associations met at the Workers annexe of Archbishop's House in Bangalore Sunday 26th to witness the launch of a e-newsletter and a web portal called newsforyouth. The Web-portal launched by Archbishop Rev. Dr, Bernard Moras is the creation of software techie Standly Joseph Lobo and team in collaboration with the active support of the Federation of the Karnataka christian Associations and several other Christian organisations.
"In a world that is flooded with newspapers and magazines and where the youth are exposed to so many television channels and web portals, it can sometimes become very difficult to distinguish truth from untruth. We read and listen to what is offered to us most of the time without checking the veracity of things. In such a world, 'news for youth' website, will hopefully serve as a channel of truth where discussions, debates and news on pertinent subjects of faith and day to day life will find its expression" said President of the Karnataka Region Bishops Council , Archbishop Berard Moras.
The Archbishop applauded the efforts of laity, especially youth in engaging in such productive activity that not only benefits the Church but also serves to tell the whole world the Truth and spread the Good News. "The Good News" he added "Is the message of the scriptures that pronounces peace and blessing, forgiveness and compassion upon people. The Good News is Truth and Truthfulness is Good News"
Standly, the Director, Centre for Embedded Intelligence and creator of the News portal told the audience "The intention of launching the webportal is to network with various christian organisations and various groups within the Catholic Church in order to educate, inform and promote a greater sense of unity and spirit of mutual suport to each other". The Indian Catholic Youth Movement, The Indian Catholic Press Association,Diocesan Newspapers, several youth prayer groups and lay catholic organisations will partner with 'newsfor youth' in terms of content and news dissemenation. Standly added "The web portal will also serve to tell the whole world the good work the Church is doing in the service of humanity and seek the active support of like-minded people and organisations in serving humanity". Joseph Lobo, Co-producer of the web-portal was also present for the launch.
HT Sangliana, in his message said "Launching a web portal is a positive sign in brininging us closer to each other in the service of God and man. One hopes that this website will serve as a strong means of communication between members of the Christian community".
PRO of Bangalore Archdiocese and President of the Indian Catholic Press Association Fr. Adolf Washington ,recalling the words of Nehru who said 'Industralise or perish", he said "the dictum of this age is network or perish". He observed that it is absolutely necessary for us to to constantly network and communicate with each other. "Humility and a great passion for the Church is the only way we can bring out the best in us for the community".he added
Both, Denis D'Silva -State Convenier and Micheal Baptist -State General Secretaryof the FKCA stressed the urgency of"Christians coming together and becoming more proactive and vibrant especially in the field of politics in the state at every level". They expressed dismay over some sections in the Christian community that were not actively fielding or promoting Christian candidates in elections or even showing at times disinterest in politics. Ronald Colaco was thanked for being very instrumental in raising the FKCA into an active organisation fostering unity and collaboration and also for supporting the launch of 'newsforyouth' .
Bangalore archdiocesan youth director Fr. Divya Paul observed "there is flood of networks and websites and webportals leaving many of us at times confused as to which we should access. The newsforyouth portal will serve as an authentic source of Truths that we need to know" Fr. Divya Paul drew reference to Michael Jackson's song "heal the world' saying the words of that song should be our motivation, to heal the world by proclaiming truth.
Joseph Lobo, Sr. Shanti, Superior General of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Anne of Bangalore, Fr. Arokiaraj Director for Media and Communication in the OMI Congregation, were the dignitaries present for the launch.