Bangalore, Jun 27 (Agencies): The elder brother of top Tamil actor Arjun – Kishore Sarja died on Saturday morning at Manipal Hospital in Bangalore due to heart attack. Kishore Sarja made debut as director in Kannada cinema from ‘Alimayya’ starring his brother Arjun and later took up films like Makkala Saakshi, Jodi, Thutta Muththa, Bava Bamaidha. The film ‘Vaayuputra’ starring his cousin Chiranjeevi has been completed and it is at the re-recording stage.
Actor Arjun was in Bangalore for last few days when his brother Kishore Sarja was admitted to Manipal Hospital. Kishore aged 50 years leaves his son Sooraj and wife Aparna.
Known for straightforward nature Kishore Sarja took training in the camp of well known directors like Vijaya Reddy, SV Rajendra Singh Babu, D Rajendra Babu, V Somashekar and others.
The cremation of Kishore Sarja will take place at Jakkanahalli where his father Shakthi Prasad was cremated.