Udupi: Union of Disabled Demands Suspension of Karkala Sub-inspector

Daijiworld Media Network- Udupi (SN/SP)

Udupi, Mar 7: "The sub-inspector of Karkala police station badly beat up and used abusive language against a disabled person at the police station. Hence he must be suspended from services immediately," demanded Shubada Rao, Karkala town municipal councillor, speaking at a press conference held here on Friday March 6.

Xavier Thomas, a physically challenged person, was mercilessly ill-treated by the sub-inspector of Karkala, in front of his mother. Thomas, who was summoned to the police station in connection with the investigation of a complaint filed against him by Jerry Castelino and Kalyani, neighbourers, because of personal enmity, was beaten up by the said official, injuring him seriously to the left hand, he alleged. Xavier was treated at a local hospital earlier in the day, after having been beaten up by the complainants Jerry and Kalyani, he claimed.

Later, a personal complaint was lodged with the Karkala court by Celestine Castelino, mother of the victim, charging the police sub-inspector named above.

Karnataka State Handicap Union president Wilfred Gomes, speaking to the media, said that the above two, in a complaint, had charged Xavier with igniting a fire in their land. The union members will go on hunger strike if no action is taken against the guilty official, he warned.

In this connection, Gopalkrishna, assistant sub-inspector and Benjamin Dias are threatening Thomas. Through a memorandum, the district officials have been requested to suspend the sub-inspector and initiate further action, he said.

Vivek Shenoy, Celestine Castelino and Xavier Thomas were present at the press conference.


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  • Ignatius D'Souza, Kanajar. karkala

    Sun, Mar 08 2009

    My sympathies to Xavier Thomas who was badly beaten at a police station where he was supposed to get protection instead of ill treatment.I urge the authorities to investigate the matter and take action against the Sub Inspector if found guilty.

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