Bangalore: Congress Using Muslims as Vote Banks - Rehman Khan

Daijiworld Media Network - Bangalore (SP)

Bangalore, Mar 6: Deputy chairman of Rajya Sabha K Rehman Khan indirectly criticized the Congress Party by asking the party and its leaders to introspect on the way they have used the Muslims and how they have been dealt with. "The minorities have been extending unconditional support to the Congress since long. However, instead of taking care of their social and economic problems, the party has just been treating them as vote banks," he criticized.

Speaking at the conference of minority unit state level delegates of the Congress held on Thursday March 5 at the palace grounds here, he opined that the Congress cannot shrug off its responsibility about the current economic backwardness of the Muslims. "As the Congress was in power for a considerable length of period after independence, it has a share in the present economic status of the Muslims," he stressed.

He said leaders of various parties have woken up to the ground reality and concentrated on organizing all the communities. What reply can I give to our community leaders when they ask me as to whether I feel ashamed at the fact that the party is just taking the Muslims for granted," he questioned.

"We have been opposing the BJP since long. Now neither can we cross over to that side, nor are we being treated with respect in the party. We are confused. It appears there are no leaders who have time and patience to listen to our grievances," he remarked.

Ex-union minister C K Jaffer Shariff demanded for setting aside share for the Muslims depending upon the ratio of their population, in all the sectors. “This is the right time to bring about constitutional amendment to ensure that the Muslims get their due share,” he added. "Raising slogans, claiming ourselves to be a secular party does not ensure social justice. Congress party has to prove what it claims to be. Muslims too have sacrificed a lot and become martyrs in the independence struggle, he said. He called upon the communists to change their viewpoint and help all the secular forces in the country to come together.

Ex-minister H K Patil suggested that the party should give leadership to only those who are loyal to the party for long. It should not give undue importance to people just because their community has a large presence. Such mistakes have cost the party dearly in the past, he explained.

Opposition leader in the legislative council V S Ugrappa, National president of the party's minorities unit Rehman Kidwai, ex-deputy chief minister M P Prakash and various other leaders were present.


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    Sat, Mar 07 2009

    There is a saying in Kannada "Avaravara thalege avaravara kai" No one will help us to improve our economic/social conditions without an effort by ourselves. Govts of any party are only for the sake of getting votes, enjoying power, make enough "kanchaana" for retired life( if at all the politicians wish so). Minority community looking towards government for help is rather chasing the mirrage. But Christian community must be applauded for their self upliftment!

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  • Liaquat Ali, Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 07 2009

    Looks like Rehamn Khan has forgotten that the BJP too extensively uses Hindu Vote banks. Lets not forget the BJP has never accomodated a single Muslim / Christian MLA. Atleast the Congress gives every body a level platform and projects itself as "everybodys party" irrespective of their religion or caste.

    The BJP cannot see anything beyond saffron and the presence of Rehman Khan in the cabinet is nothing but a formality of having a Muslim member in the party. Dusty, Shenoy & Rafique every party has skeletons in its closet.

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  • Rafique, Kanhangad

    Sat, Mar 07 2009

    Mr. Khan is correct. Everyone knows that congress and many other parties play vote bank politics. I think BJP is the best option.

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  • Shenoy, Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 07 2009

    Truth hurts. This statement will not be liked by the high ups in Cong I.HE WILL BE ASKED TO EXPLAIN HIMSELF.  TAHT WILL LEAD TO TENSION WITHIN CONG   AT THIS TIME OF ELECTIONS.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore/India

    Sat, Mar 07 2009

    Dear Minority community. Please do not blame congress party for the ill fate of minority community. By blaming Congress party what we will achieve. We are just satisfying ourselves. Think of constructive action jointly and what solution can we arrive at. First of all blame our own minority community leaders political and religious who has sold our liberty, rights for their selfish ends. After they secured the vote and ministrial position in the Cabinet what have  have done to the community. Did they sort our problems or just used us as vote bank.  My personal suggestion is see that we do not depend on any political party rather be self reliant and strong in economic power, then even political parties cannot bend you, rather we can dictate terms to them.

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  • Dusty R, India

    Sat, Mar 07 2009

    Ordinery people be it from the Majority or Minority should stop thinking that, by voting to a particular party, their economic situation will looked after by that party. Every political party once elected has its own personal agenda like for congress to Make Rahul as the PM. For BJP to build Ram Temple. Muslims should stop expecting anything better from the congress.

    In my opinion if the Christians and the Muslims can have a Man to Man or face to face talk with the BJP leadership, it would be better than voting for the congress blindly

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  • Richard, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 06 2009

    I do share the view with Mr.Rehman Khan,Congress has taken the minorities as voke bank now the time has come we all pull up our socks and teach them a lesson.

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