Bangalore: Worsening Power Situation Puts State Leaders in Fix

Daijiworld Media Network - Bangalore (SP)

Bangalore, Mar 6: The worsening power situation in the state is giving sleepless nights to the state government, officials of Karnataka Power Corporation and the power distribution corporations, as they are unable to desist from enforcing unscheduled load shedding as promised by the energy minister recently.

With the summer heat escalating, demand for power is increasing at an alarming rate. The gap between supply and demand for power is increasing. The citizens in rural belts in particular and their counterparts in cities in general, are getting increasingly impatient over power break downs. The state government which wanted not to earn the ire of the people particularly during the election time is watching helplessly as the situation is slipping from its hands.

At present, the government is faced with a yawning gap of about 15 million watts, which threatens to worsen with each passing day. The only silver lining appears to be the promise the state got from Chattisgarh state, which had suspended its power supply to the state a few weeks back, that it would resume power supply of about 200 mega watts from this week.  The state chief minister Yeddyurappa could extract this assurance from Charrisgarh chief minister Raman Singh when he had met him at New Delhi recently.


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