Media Released
Mangalore, Jan 25: The releasing ceremony of the Konkani book “Bhurghyank Nithichyo Katha” written by Machcha, Milaar, was held today at Rosario Cathedral Church after the 8.00 a m mass. The Writer and the President of Konkani Writers’ Forum, Karnataka, Mangalore, Machcha, Milaar gave a brief report on the book written and published by him. He added that the book is available at a low cost of Rs.20/- with 19 illustrated moral stories . He informed that his earlier book titled “NITHICHYO KATHAA.......” has recently been selected by Dept of Public Libraries, Govt of Karnataka in Konkani Language Section for distribution to Public Libraries.
The Parish Priest, Fr. Stany Goveas gave the message on the occasion and released the book and wished all success to the writer. Writer’s daughter, Liza D’Souza was also present .
The book will be available at all leading book-stalls in Mangalore and Attur Karkal Fest Book-Stalls.
For more information, please contact:
Ms Agnel Communications
7A, First Floor Milagres Centre Building
Balmatta Road, Hampankatta
Mangalore - 575001
Phone: 0824 - 2447495 Mobile: 9448627490
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