Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (SP)
Mangalore, Nov 5: Vigilance Awarerness Week, organized by the New Mangalore Port Trust (NMPT) was inaugurated at the port on Monday November 3 by the joint-secretary(ports) and chief vigilance officer in the union ministry of shipping, road transport and highways, Rakesh Srivastava.
Speaking on the occasion, he said that the government is proposing to create posts of independent chief vigilance officers (CVO) in major ports of the country. The importance of the functioning of the CVO is felt all the more now, as ports are proposed to be developed by taking up projects under public-private partnership, he said. For ensuring greater transparancy in operations, even the Central Vigilance Commission is keen on having these posts, he explained. For ensuring transparency, the central viligance officer and the management should work in close co-ordination, he added. In a vigilance set up, no posts should be left unfilled and to ensure this, the posts of independent vigilance officers have been mooted, he revealed.
NMPT chairman P Taminvanan presided. In his address, he said that self-discipline is very important and that the New Mangalore port has done away with chances of corruption, by making all payments through electronic system.
NMPT CVO Ahmed Ayub welcomed. Secretary C Harichandran proposed vote of thanks.