Christian Schools Shut to Protest Orissa Violence


New Delhi, Aug 29: Thousands of Catholic educational institutions across the country shut down today in protest against the violence unleashed against the Christian community in Orissa following the murder of a Hindu saint.

'We cannot remain spectators to what is happening in Orissa," Bishop Dinesh Kumar Sahu, general secretary of the National Council of Churches in India, a grouping of 30 Orthodox and Protestant churches, told the Ecumenical News International.

In Kerala, All Christian denominations pledged solidarity with the Catholic church by wearing black badges, passing resolutions condemning the attack on the community and holding prayer meetings in their institutions, sources said.

Schools and colleges run by three Catholic groups -- Syro Malabar, Syro Malankara and Latin hierarchy -- remained closed for the day.

In Tripura, a peace rally was also organised by a prominent church body in the state capital highlighting the need for maintaining communal harmony in Orissa, where surge in violent activities has claimed 12 lives so far.

Spokesperson of Catholic Diocease of Agartala Father Joseph Pulinthanath said the schools were closed in response to a call by the National Christian Council of India.

Catholics in the state would observe a fast and pray on September 7 for restoring communal harmony and peace in Orissa, he said.

In Nashik, Archbishop Dr Felix Machyado said, "We strongly condemn the killing of the VHP leader in Orissa."

Machyado asked the convent students and their parents to stay home and pray to establish peace and love among the people.

Earlier, a special-prayer meeting of all Christians' educational institutions, its staff, teachers and principals was held at Nashik road on Friday morning.

In Karnataka, Christian schools and colleges remained closed on Friday following the call was given by Archbhishop Bernard Moras.

He claimed that more than 2,000 educational institutions in the state, belonging to the community, would take part in the peaceful protest to condemn the violence.

Christian educational institutions, numbering about 25,000 in the country, would remain closed to condemn the attack and demand an inquiry into the incidents. 

Orissa has seen a wave of violence since August 25 when Swami Lakshmananda Saraswati was shot dead, allegedly by Maoists.

Following this churches and other Christian institutions in Orissa, notably Kandhamal district, were targeted by the hordes, and many are feared killed in the violence.

Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh has described the violence against Christians as a 'national shame'.


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  • Joe D'Souza, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    According to Mr.Arun,Protests and Bundhs are okay. Please Note: Closing Christian Institutions,is Bundh with Protest. Did you get the massage. It was okay to shut down every School including Christians Schools in the country in protest against the Amarnath issue. Why was it correct for you to shut out 20% of Christian Students,who has nothing to do with Amarnath Land Dispute.

    It is holding Christians at ransom accordingly in your own words. Also please note that 80% of Non Christian Children are getting the benefit of Charity We Christians are delivering through Sunday collection and Private Donation when every time there is a need in School. It is high time for Christians to re-think,where your 80% hard earned donation money goes when you donate next time to a Christian School.

    For sure I will be Calculating on this issue. Another matter needs attention too. As you wrote Mr.Arun,the best message for future budding Citizens started last year,with shutting down the whole Mangalore City. People went hungry and sick. Common Citizen was fearful of life as the City was paralyzed. It was not done by Christians but by.....You answer it Mr.Arun. I am sure 80% of non Christian students really learnt a lot.

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  • Jerry Moras, Kuppepadavu, Canada

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Arun Kamath, you must ask question "What message is sent to future budding citizens" to all people in India who have burnt several institutions such as schools. Either you are not having information or you seem to be ignorant. India is democratic country and protest or bundh is part of freedom of expression (show dissatisfaction towards authorities be it be govt officials, politicians or rulers).

    It is appropriate action taken by institution authorities and no one questions decision taken to correct the system. Question the incorrect actions taken by brutal people. Are you saying some more schools to be burnt or invite some more attacks in Mangalore as well.

    We need solutions to be problems and don’t question solutions is right or wrong. With regards to funding, we all know how much govt funds and aids given to teachers or children or to manage the schools. That is also the reason some institutions request for funding from public, donations in India or abroad.

     Let me also make you understand future for budding citizens (80% who study in Christian institutes as per you) make them understand India is secular country and we all Indian citizens first and then Christians or Hindus or Muslims second. Whole world condemns on actions taken by your fellow citizens. Our children's future is affected due to actions some by some due to human rights issue.

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  • Jerome Coelho, Nanthur, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Mr. Kamath, I wonder whether you have your head on your shoulders. Have you raised your voice when the VHP forced a bundh on the whole city of Mangalore? We have not done that. We had just closed our Institutions. You gladly say that 80% of other communities study in our Institutions. Why do you want to train your children in our Institutions at all? Setup your own Institutions and train them on your skewed ideals.

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  • Arun Kamath, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 30 2008

    Protest and bundhs are fine but shutting insitutions and holding others to ransom is inappropriate. Does it mean that institutions will be shut indefintely? There is no doubt about great tragedy at Orissa. But protesting by shutting institutions where 80% are Non Christians is not correct. What message is sent to future budding citizens? More over all these institutions are financed or enjoy lot of benefits from the govt be it land or various other concessions. No This is not correct.

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