Nobody Can Stop Me from Becoming PM: Mayawati


Lucknow, Aug 9: Unfazed by the failure of efforts to pull down the United Progressive Alliance government that may have pitchforked her into national centrestage, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati on Saturday said that nobody could stop her from becoming prime minister.

In a show of strength a fortnight after the attempt in Parliament floundered, the Bahujan Samaj Party leader addressed a huge gathering of her party workers and supporters in Lucknow. A surprise presence in the stage was that of suspended Congress leader and former external affairs minister K Natwar Singh.

Natwar Singh and his son Jagat Singh, an expelled Congress legislator in Rajasthan, are expected to join the BSP.

"If I can become chief minister of UP four times... why can't I become the prime minister? If people from sarv samaj (all castes) continue to support the BSP, nobody can prevent me from becoming the prime minister," she said addressing the party's National Workers Convention in Lucknow.

Mayawati accused the "casteist" forces, UPA and the National Democratic Alliance, of conspiring against her before the trust-vote in Parliament so that "a Dalit could not become the PM."

"I am proud of being born in a Dalit family. My life is a struggle and I will continue to work for Dalits and the poor throughout my life," she said striking an emotional chord with party workers.

Alleging that oppoistion parties were trying to malign the BSP government in the state, she cautioned party workers to remain alert against any propaganda against her government.


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  • J.O. Colaco, vamanjoor

    Mon, Aug 11 2008

    Mayawatiji C.M of uttarpredesh enough for you

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  • Prakash, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Aug 10 2008

    PM is not all about winning elections.Its about representing the soverign nation of India in the world.I feel things are ok until nationally, but on an international arena,we must have the best to represent the nation of billions.After all its not rallies one shall be addressing ,its summits..

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  • Roshan Pais, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 10 2008

    Mayavati Did you forget people of India? they can prevent you from becoming PM!

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  • donfrank, mangalore, UAE

    Sat, Aug 09 2008

    All the best Kumari Mayawati! You have every right to dream to become the PM of our country. But there are more good and capable leaders than you, who have been waiting for a long time. You are calling other parties as caste based, but you are always dividing the people on the basis of Caste. The words like 'Dalit' is always in your speeches. I congratulate you for not allowing BJP to come to power in UP(of course with the support of Congress party). But now you are against the Congress! Very strange indeed! What will happen to Mr. L K Advavi? He is also dreaming to become the PM! All the best to all of you. Jai Hind.

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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Sat, Aug 09 2008

    I hope and pray that our nation will never face the misfortune of this lady becomming our Prime Minister. Caste and religion have nothing to do with my worry, but the corruption and adhocism which is the hallmark of her style of functioning. Let her first come clean of the several corruption charges that she faces. Let her first account for the billions of rupees that she has accumulated. Where did all this money come from. Under the present circumstances if at all she becomes the PM then a nation of 1 billion will have to hang their heads in shame. Secondly her party is filled with goons and criminals. Goonda raj will be the order of the day. India is not UP alone and UP is not India.

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