SAMNI (BHARUCH), Jun 30: Railway minister Lalu Prasad on Sunday rubbished claims of early Lok Sabha polls and said, "The UPA government will complete its five year term and the nuclear deal will also go through."
Describing himself as an astrologer, the railway minister also said L K Advani will never become prime minister just a day after UPA chief Sonia Gandhi asked her partymen to brace for elections.
In his characteristic style, Lalu hit out at BJP leaders after laying the foundation stone for gauge conversion of Ankleshwar-Rajpipla and Bharuch-Samni-Dahej sections at Samni railway station.
He was accompanied by Sonia Gandhi's political secretary and Rajya Sabha MP Ahmed Patel, who belongs to Bharuch, apart from junior railway minister Naran Rathwa.
"Ram, Rahim mein nafrat failaane valo, mein jyotish hun. Advaniji ke nasib mein PM banna nahin likha hain (Those trying to create rift between Ram and Rahim, I am an astrologer. And, Advani is not destined to become a Prime Minister)," he said amidst thunderous applause and cheers.
He also described BJP's move to declare Advani's candidature from Gandhinagar as a desperate one. "Advani is afraid, as even (Narendra) Modi is in the race," he quipped.