New Delhi, Jun 14: In what seems like bad news for private TV channels, the Information and Broadcasting Ministry has set up a media monitoring centre to keep a tab on channel content even as the issue continues to be bone of contention between the government and private broadcasters.
The Rs 16-crore Electronic Media Monitoring Centre of the Ministry, which was set up at Prasar Bharati office near Indraprastha Extension last week, can monitor over 100 televisions channels simultaneously.
Ministry sources said preparations for setting it up began six months ago and its main focus would be to keep track of programmes that violate the Programmes and Advertising Codes under Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995.
The centre has been designed on a web-based system, which facilitates monitoring of channels and signals, can record content and retrieve recorded footage.
The Code prescribed under the proposed Broadcasting Bill has however come under fire with TV channels saying the step only goes on to show that the Government "wants to have its own way" even though it is aware of the broadcasters views on content regulation.
The National Broadcasters Association has submitted its own proposals on content regulation to the ministry.