Acid Thrown on Teenaged Girl in Delhi


New Delhi, Dec 29:  An 18-year-old girl was severely injured when two unidentified youth threw acid on her in Delhi, police said on Friday.

"Garima was returning after attending her tuition classes in the Jangpura extension on Thursday evening when the incident occurred. She received burns on her back, face and chest and was rushed to the Safdarjung hospital," a police official said.

According to her father Mohan Lal, Garima was walking towards her house when two unidentified youth threw acid on her. 

"The youth threw acid on my daughter from behind. She could not see them as she was severely injured and immediately fell to the ground," added Mohan Lal. 

The victim is a class 12 student and the police are questioning her sister and friends for clues about the attackers.

Mohan Lal said her daughter has never faced any eve teasing incident. "I could not believe that such a thing could happen to my daughter, I do not have any idea about who may be involved in the crime," said Mohan Lal.  


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