Media Release
Mysuru, Jan 4: The province chapter of the Ursuline Franciscan Sisters (UFS) was held at Maria Niketan Bogadi Mysuru from December 26, 2015 to January 3, 2016.
The 42 chapter delegates serving in different parts of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kenya mission reflected upon the theme ‘Taking a stand, making a difference with the mind and heart of Christ’.
In the elections held for leadership, Sr Apoline Cordeiro was re-elected the provincial superior. Sisters Annie MA, Juliana Pinto, Lilly Rodrigues and Daisy D’Costa were elected the provincial councilors for a term of three years. The new provincial team is all set to make a difference in spreading the values of justice and peace, forgiveness and compassion, promoting human dignity, love for the poor, and care for mother earth. Sr Doreen D’Souza, superior general moderated the chapter sessions.
The Ursuline Franciscan congregation was founded in Mangaluru in 1887 by Fr Urban Stein, the pastor of Rosario Cathedral. What was a small plant then, has grown into a large tree spreading its branches to various parts of India and to overseas as well. The congregation has five provinces in India, a region in Europe and from 2004 a flourishing mission in Africa. A new novitiate in Tanzania helps the local candidates to religious life to be the committed disciples of Jesus in their own native land.
During these months, the five provinces of the congregation organize election chapters. Having moderated the chapters of Mangaluru, North India and Mysuru provinces, superior general has proceeded to Dimapur, Nagaland to animate the chapter of north-east province.
It is a matter of great joy to have candidates and sisters hailing from various regions and cultural backgrounds of India and from Africa. It is a unique opportunity to manifest unity in one faith by embracing the sisters from different parts of the world and extending our services to people of diverse caste, creed and culture. The field is very vast and the opportunities are at our door to manifest the merciful love of God especially those who are at the margins of our society, and to join with all the people of good will to build a better world.
As per the mandate of 12th general chapter held in Mangaluru in May 2010, all the provinces, regions and missions have initiated UFLA (Ursuline Franciscan Lay Associates) both in India and abroad. At present, there are 400 lay associates. These committed men and women with diverse professions assist the sisters to spread the love of Jesus to children and families, to heal the broken hearted, to give value based education to children and youth, to empower the less privileged especially girls and women, to work for human dignity and equality, and towards ecological balance. May God be praised for sending so many messengers of love and service to make a difference in our society and to uphold human life in totality.