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New Delhi, Jun 24: The Congress says it’s the party of the aam admi and party president Sonia Gandhi recently asked workers to woo the common man. But at its headquarters, the party has very little time for the common man.

According to a new rule, visitors can enter 24 Akbar Road in Delhi only between 1700 hours and 1900 hours IST. That means the party just has two hears for people’s grievances.

Congress leaders insist that they are not restricting entry. “It must be security reasons but we our doors are always open," said party spokesperson Jayanti Natarajan.

The recent fuel price hike and the current spurt in the prices of food items has brought severe criticism for the Congress. That is why following a feedback from its UPA allies, Finance Minister P Chidambaram on Thursday announced a slew of measures to reduce inflation.

Sonia has asked party general secretaries to reach out to voters and tell them that the Congress is sincere in its concern for the aam admi. The party office doesn’t seem to have got that message.


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