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Istanbul, Turkey, May 25: A quick-spreading fire burned down most of the cargo section of Istanbul's Ataturk International Airport on Wednesday, forcing 2,000 workers to flee the thick black smoke that closed one runway to traffic and disrupted flights.

The inferno collapsed a large part of the cargo building, likely causing millions of dollars in damage. Three people were treated for smoke inhalation, authorities said.

"Our biggest consolation is there is no loss of life," said Mujdat Yucel, manager of the Havas cargo and ground services company.

A radical Kurdish group has claimed responsible for the fire. The claim, which could not be confirmed, was made by a group calling itself the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (TAK) in a message to Firat, a pro-Kurdish news agency based in Europe.

Meanwhile, firefighting planes filled with water from the nearby Marmara Sea made more than 70 sorties to douse the flames, flying low and at an angle to avoid a nearby Turkish Airlines building. Dozens of fire trucks also responded, and the blaze was brought under control after more than four hours.

As authorities struggled to move parked cargo planes away from the burning building, thousands of passengers anxiously watched thick smoke rise from behind the large windows of the ultramodern terminal building, the main hub for domestic and international flights and which hosts millions of tourists each year.

The fire closed down one runway, causing delays of up to a few hours, but authorities said there was no security risk for flights and encouraged passengers to fly. Turkish Airlines planes could be seen landing even as the fire raged.

The fire, which began in a section where fuel depots were located, surrounded the building within minutes as workers fled in a panic. 


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