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New Delhi, May 24: Amid increasing fighting in Sri Lanka, the influx of Tamil refugees to India is rising and fears are expressed that the situation may become worse after the European Union (EU) bans LTTE.

At least 2,000 Tamils have already reached India and several hundred more are believed to be ready to leave Sri Lanka, official sources said late on on Tuesday.

Official sources here emphasised that there is a need for both sides to display flexibility and work to strengthen the peace process.

New Delhi is, however, wary of getting involved in the Sri Lankan affairs directly because of the "certain history" and domestic political reality. Besides, India does not have any direct contact with the LTTE.

As a result, India is putting all its effort in backing the Norwegian mediation. Sources said that some parties, particularly Sinhala groups, in Southern Sri Lanka were open to the idea of having a federal structure modelled on India. 


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