News headlines

New Delhi, May 22: A meeting of the UPA Coordination Committee is being held in New Delhi on Tuesday as the Manmohan Singh government completes two years in office on Monday.

Besides the leaders of the constituents of the ruling alliance, the Left party leaders have also been invited for the meeting of the Coordination Committee, UPA sources said.

A book titled "Report to the People: UPA government 2004-06" would be released on Monday at a function attended by the Prime Minister, UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi, Union Ministers and MPs of the ruling alliance.

The book is a report card of the government which completes two years on Monday.

A dinner is also being hosted by the Prime Minister on the occasion for the MPs of the alliance.

As part of projecting the achievements of the UPA coalition, some 8 to 10 ministers are expected to give their presentation on Tuesday as part of the celebrations.

The Left Parties, which have been stridently opposing the UPA government’s economic policies are expected to attend the dinner, official sources said.

"We have no objection to such a dinner," CPI National Secretary D Raja said.

Manmohan preferred PM, ahead of Sonia, Vajpayee: Poll

New Delhi: Manmohan Singh has emerged as the preferred Prime Minister ahead of UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi and former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, according to an opinion poll by NDTV-MODE.

However, 71 per cent of the respondents believe that Singh is overshadowed by Gandhi in this government, says the poll.

As many as 61 per cent of the respondents see Sonia as being more powerful than Singh, says a release issued by NDTV quoting the opinion poll.

The NDTV-MODE polled more than 4,000 people--both urban and rural — across 15 states and Union Territories last week.

"Manmohan Singh has grown in stature with 53 per cent saying he has become more powerful. He also leads Sonia Gandhi and Atal Bihari Vajpayee as the people’s choice for PM", says the NDTV release.

On the eve of UPA governments second anniversary in power, the opinion polls says 80 per cent of respondents believe that UPA government will complete its full term and if for any reason there was an election right now, Congress and its allies would sweep the polls. 


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