News headlines


Hyderabad / Mumbai, May 14: After Jessica Lall, it is now the case of a 21-year-old who was shot dead in front of his father in Mumbai's Dadar locality.

Despite eyewitness testimony, less than two years later, all accused in the case walked free.

Firoj was shot by three intruders inside his ground floor apartment in Mumbai.

His father Keiki Karai remembers it as the worst day of his life, when his son collapsed in his arms.

"Words cannot describe how traumatised you feel. And, after that, when you go around here and there and you get this kind of justice," said Karai.

"I am the only eyewitness in this case. My son died in my arms and I told the court all that and yet they were not punished," said the father.

Younger brother Jamshed says his brother went to Mumbai from Hyderabad with big dreams.

Family shocked

Firoj's mother has not recovered from the shock. But the family is determined to not give up the fight.

"I won't get my son back but at least I will see that this does not happen to anyone else," said Karai.

"If they get away scotfree like this, they are bound to get the confidence to do such things again,'' he cautioned.

The family says while they know who killed Firoj, they are not aware of the reasons behind his killing.

Whether it is unprofessional handling of the case, police apathy, ulterior motives or loopholes in the justice system, nothing can justify the unnecessary trauma that the family is living through.


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