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New Delhi, May 13: India is contemplating beefing up security of its nationals in Afghanistan by sending some more security personnel to the strife-torn country in the backdrop of the abduction and killing of Indian telecom engineer Kasula Suryanarayana.
A team of officials is expected to visit Kabul to take stock of the situation and discuss the upgraded security measures with Afghan authorities.

India has already sent 200 ITBP commandos to Afghanistan for protection of Indian nationals working there.

Government is planning to send some more ITBP personnel to Afghanistan as part of efforts to step up security measures for Indian nationals and missions in the war-torn country.

The government has held consultations with Afghanistan authorities, who have assured to provide security to Indian national working on various reconstruction projects across the country.

Help in this regard has also been sought from US-led International Stabilization Force.

Private companies employing Indians have also been advised to ensure that security drills are followed. 


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