News headlines

Chennai, May 13: Apprehending "insults" inside the Tamil Nadu assembly, AIADMK supremo Jayalalithaa said she has decided not to attend the house on a regular basis.
"I will attend the house only when it is absolutely necessary. My partymen apprehend that I will be insulted and humiliated inside the house," she told reporters here, a day after her party was defeated in the assembly polls.

The incidents that rocked the house on March 25, 1989 may recur, she said. "The same persons, who attacked me on that day, are going to be ministers."

"I am keeping away from the assembly with good reason. We did not harm and humiliate our opponents, but I know from my experience how they will behave," she said.

Whenever the DMK was in power in the state earlier, Jayalalithaa used to attend the assembly on a regular basis.

On Karunanidhi's remarks that he would not be vindictive against his political opponents, she said, "Karunanidhi never means what he says. We will wait and see".

Describing Friday as a "sorry day" for Tamil Nadu, she said the coalition led by the DMK would not "last long" and the ministry would fall in a year. "Coalition is a bad thing for Tamil Nadu. It is susceptible to pulls and pressures."

Asserting that poll results were not a setback to AIADMK, Jayalalithaa said her party has improved its vote share. "In Chennai, we have been rewarded for the Veeranam Project, which brought drinking water to the city".

Asked whether the AIADMK would function as a constructive opposition, Jayalalithaa said that her party always been constructive but "it is DMK, which has always been negative".

Though she would not be attending the assembly reguarly, she would be guiding the party, Jayalalithaa, who was elected to the state assembly from Andipatti, said. 


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