Have harmed ourselves by following British edu system: Rajnath

New Delhi, Aug 26  (PTI) The education system in the country was a British legacy aimed at "subjugating Indian minds" and had led to "cultural pollution", BJP President Rajnath Singh said today.

Singh, who had recently drawn flak for blaming the English language for India's social and cultural ills, asked his party's teachers' wing to think about changes which should be brought in the prevailing academic system to make it suitable for Indian thought and culture.

"Our education system founded by British is behind the cultural pollution today... Many research works being carried out across the world have their roots in India," he said at a meeting of the party's teachers' cell here.

"The British came up with an education system meant to keep our youth uninformed about their rich culture and tradition. We have harmed ourselves by following it," he said.

Universities in ancient India enjoyed more autonomy than do Western institutions today, he said, adding that the literacy level then was close to 95 per cent and even sanitation workers could read and write.

Singh said that noted physicist Werner Heisenberg was inspired by a discussion he had with Rabindranath Tagore on Vedic philosophy which led to the discovery of the 'Uncertainty Principle', his best known work.

The Pythagoras Theorem was first discovered by an Indian mathematician, but Western scientists usurped it, Singh said.

"Indian physicist Satyendra Nath Bose wrote of the God Particle first, before Western scientists established its presence last year," he said.


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  • simple, Bangalore

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    Desmond Vas, Udupi
    Bollu, Mangalore
    Simple, Bangalore

    Bollu you are kindly requested to read Mr. Desmond's write up here. Does that satisfy your "Takshila" mention here in one of your message?

    Wonder very much, if such Takshila's are started here in India by Rajnath and gang, if you can go anywhere near them, leave alone studying in them...!!!

    DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • R Mallar, Kasaragod/ Dubai

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    If this comment came from some sociologists like Ashish Nandi, we would not have so many adverse comments.
    Following British system had its own advantages, like English language for instance. Our recent success in IT is result of British education system.
    However, we took the secularism tag a bit too seriously and removed cultural and religious contents from our text books. Post - independence generation grew up without knowing our cultural history. Whether you like it or not, Indian culture cannot be told without being religious. It is some thing like Bharatanatyam or Yakshagana - it has religious content.
    In Pakistani syllabus, civilistation starts with the advent of islam in the region. And Harappa/ Mohenjodaro/ Sindhu civilisation is geographically lies there.
    While we all know that Hitler made swastika famous, Israel's star is famous, but we don't know why we worship these symbols from several thousand years. But we know all about cresent moon.
    All the religions - so to say- preach peace, coexistance etc. If it is so, is it not a good idea to teach our children the teachings of all religions?

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincy, bangkok

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    It is his BJP Party men kept the caste system in every level from temple to school.They did not allowed the low caste people in schools and temples and now at this age Rajanath Singh being a president of BJP realized the social and cultural values. In many states it is the caste system that is responsible for low literacy rates.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • simple, Bangalore

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    Being the President of BJP!!
    What other statements\utterances one will hear from him.
    He is nearing his grave - he had his time - now he does not want others to have all the modern education so they can come up in life.
    Let him send his kith and kin and adopted children (wonder if they will ever listen to him and his crap)to the educational centers he wants or if there are none let him open such educational institutions to prove his point. No law can stop him opening such schools\colleges and he will have many pupils. They will come in hoards to get admitted in his schools\colleges.
    He can employ suitable coaching staff to teach what he desires to teach (Many BD\Sene\VHP guys are well qualified).
    Let him first do it and show India it can be done, then he can tell others and not before proving his point.

    At the most what he'll do in his new educational system except saffronize it (full of hatred towards ones' neighbour)!!!!!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    Empty Gun Hollow Talk.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Kumar, kundapura / Dubai

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    Dear Mr. Bollu,

    Current generation is dont know about Sanskrit... and you are talking about next generation ????? really funny and you can on dream..... Please go and check in Colleges & Univeristies how many students in Sanskrit classes ... hardly few.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincent Rodrigues, Katapadi/Bangalore

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    There is no sense in blaming the Britishers for our education system.If at all anybody is doing cultural pollution in India,it is BJP.Hope,people teach them properly if they misguide the public for their selfish motives.Thanq.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • prashanth, mlore

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    Though I dont support the Rajnath Singhs statement but I can say that India clearly suffered because of colonial education system. it does not mean that teaching English is the issue.
    There are many countries like Japan & China in the world which are most developed nation without knowing English. Indian current education system is really not able to produce high quality researchers,scientist, sports persons etc.Its shame for current Indian generation who cannot contribute at same way as ancient Indians did for the world knowledge.Change is surely required for Indian education system but what way to go that experts to decide.
    But best thing is atleast some one is accepting that the change is required.

    DisAgree [3] Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    India has multiple languages unlike one language like Germany, like South Korea, like Japan, like France etc….
    People go street to street and office to office to promote love for their likened languages.
    Imposing Hindi as one language from the north was back fired.
    Brahmins for their own benefit kept Sanskrit for themselves without teaching others and now backfired themselves. No student takes/studies Sanskrit.
    There are plenty of people when making charity asking the astrologer/balme/bolme to ensure given charity comes back to them or not.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Peter Pereira, Nagoya, Japan

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    Mr. , we have not harmed by British education system, but, empty coconut shell leaders like you who impose rules on others not to study English because your empty shell on top floor does not understand it. People like you always thinks that what you do not like, others also should not like. You presented a sample today as what will happen to India if your party comes to power.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    Don't waste your energy to build temple at Ayodhya. Work hard to change our education system like British. we will follow you if there is no "kesarikarana".

    DisAgree [6] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Narendra Prabhu, Sullia/Bangalore

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    Please note that development of a country is by and large the product of politics , I am extrapolating your pointer to Nepal.
    I find the following examples more relevant for debate
    1) East Germany and west Germany before Unification
    East Germany was in Shambles when the Berlin wall collapsed.
    West Germany produced:
    Bosch, Mercedes, BMW, The list is Very long
    Please let me know one world class East German Company?
    2)Present day South Korea and North Korea
    North Korean people lead a life of Penury.
    Where as South Korea is Affluent
    Elgi Samsung Hyundai from south
    From North ?
    I want to Highlight that in the examples above becaus both the countries are ethnically religiously culturally SAME Genetically also same stock . BUT North korea and East Germany pursued wrong political and Econcomical Ideology.
    Dont attribute failure to race colonisation,language etc people who migrated from India to US have double the US National per capita Income !!!.
    I want to repeat " Politicians of POOR countries also will become rich and their only aim is to get and remain in power "
    Only people like us will suffer the effect of Bad politics which is a salient feature of Independent India.
    English is very Essential to us in todays world
    SUCCESS takes MORE than that.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alwyn D Almeida, Mangalore/Dubai

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    What we are doing from 1947 to 2013 ? GOD please bless INDIA & INDIANS.

    DisAgree Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Desmond Vas, Udupi

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    In Takshila only the Brahmans, the Aristocrat and Rich Indian were allowed. The others Castes and poor in the Society were not allowed and became illiterate. The education was meant only for ed few. Untouchables was rule the day and the outcasts were not allowed to enter anywhere, even the shadows shall not fall on upper caste person. As per the Manu Sashthra only the Brahmin should speak Sanskrit and other if they speak Sanskrit , their tongue should be cut and this situation was prevailing till 17th Century.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • stan, dubai

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    Is He asking the modern people of India Not to eat burger/pizza but eat Ragi moodde?????

    DisAgree [3] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dan, Udupi/UAE

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    Nepal was never occupied by any foreign nation.Rest you may judge.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • william, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    This mans mind set is fully polluted, that too when elections are near it pollutes more. The power hungry scoundrels. Fit to be placed in right place.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    His son Pankaj went to the UK and daughter Anamika to the US to study Sanskrit and Bharat Natyam…

    DisAgree [2] Agree [51] Reply Report Abuse

  • alwyn, canada

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    This idiots has no idea about british education. because of british education India has reached to this high otherwise by now it would have been another Pakistan or Afghan. People until you lose everythin you have never realize the value of that thing. so don't regret as we Indians are happy in British education and many Indians are doing great around the world only because of British education and language. Learn your own stuff and die in your own place and let us live a life. Long live British and its education in India.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Aam Admi, Mumbai

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    Mr Rajnath singh is fit to rule uneducated Hindi speaking belt.If Rajnath singh does not understand the universal language that is his fault.Hope every follower of Rajnath singh goes to Hindi medium schools to preserve the Indian culture.If do not get seat in English medium schools beat up the principle and damage the school.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Pravin, Mumbai

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    BJP is basically a regressive, anti-science, anti-women party stuck in the past. They do not have any vision for the future. They will keep on harking on the past. They do not even realize that the then India was geographically not the same as it now is. Most of then known India is today's Afghanistan and Pakistan. So if anyone has to claim the credit for that it is they who should. Of ourse these people never stop making fool of themselves.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bhandara, India

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    Wow! What an analysis. This guy is cutting his own feet by uttering such nonsense. This is exactly what he did in US during his visit. He could not even open his mouth and express himself. As a responsible politician, he should have at least expressed himself in Hindi/Urdu or whatever language he is fluent in and should have arranged an expert translator - but no. This is what our education system is. British system is very progressive. Yes, they do lack spiritual aspect but I would consider that strictly personal

    By uttering such nonsense, Rajnath is slowly and steadily destroying his own BJP party.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Stany D'sa, Balehonnur/Dubai

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    Though English is a adopted language, the Indians are best in the world in speaking English very fluently and accepted in top post. It is also true English is a universal language. Rajnath is a ignorant man and it is natural he cannot understand English Vinglish and therefore send him to London to learn English. If you know Sanskrit good for you but keep safe in the back pocket. Now a days small child also says I speak English, I eat English and I sleep English.

    DisAgree Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • shaikH MoHd RIzwan, Karkala

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    Dear readers,

    Why don't Rajanath singh apply for Passport written in Sanskrit?

    By default Modi is not getting US visa.If he applies in Sanskrit may be he can't even catch domestic flight.

    By the way his kids are studying in which medium?

    Jai Hind

    DisAgree [5] Agree [41] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.N. Pujari, Manglore - Mumbai

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    Brother shaikH MoHd RIzwan, Karkala for this i can only say ''Sanskrit'' or '' YOGA '' marketing not done in right way by INDIA , i missed to learn this language but my children's are leaning with English subject you also try and see the difference with your children s any education is not INJURIES to HEALTH...... GOD BLESS.

    DisAgree Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mendonca, Kudla

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    At least India has a Recognized Education System. It is not good to blame anybody, but it is good to develop and improve our education system. Whoever is the government it is important to educate every child and develop the nation for the future of every coming generation. BJP wants to blame for everything and they want to teach hate in the minds of the young generation, which will be disaster to India. See what happens as the Federal Reserve prepares to gradually wind down its stimulus program, some fear that emerging economies could fall like dominoes.

    DisAgree Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vijay, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    These are the follies by BJP which Congress is looking for and having a last laugh. Despite a highly corrupt party why people are choosing Congi is because their policies are very progressive. And look what this stupid guy talking…Can anybody in right frame of mind endorse his views of today?

    Looks like only jokers are adorning this hot seat of BJP. There was one Mr. Bangaru who was caught taking a bribe of just 1 lakh Rupees and sacked ignominiously. Then Gadkari again caught in the corruption web. Then this guy now who is after British Education system.

    It is wonderful and entertaining to see how these guys get such topics to write speeches on – religion, ancient education system, cow slaughter, Ram Mandir…

    I am looking at UPA III now itself.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dr S Kamath , Mumbai

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    I Differ with Rajanath Singh here .British Education system has lot of good things .Logical analysis.Scientific out look in every aspect of Life are all very good and should be profoundly followed by every Indian at the same time we should also deeply study our own Indian Culture .Both the East and West should meet .The western education system lacks deep spiritual ethos which we have should be given to Britishers and Americans in fact then they would like Indian culture.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Abdul Rafiq, Uchila / Dubai

    Mon, Aug 26 2013


    DisAgree [3] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sheik M, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    1.There will be lot of Gurukulas instead of schools, colleges
    2. In place of sports, there will be BD, RSS shakas everywhere

    DisAgree [3] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rosario Fernandes, Kallianpur

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    And chandan, cotton(Dhoti) and Khaki(RSS uniform-chaddi)industries will grow.
    No wine shops, only Madira.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bollu, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    With your Lungi Minister..are in doubt.. Arunachal Pradesh/Ladakh region will remain with India.

    DisAgree Agree Report Abuse

  • Rosario Fernandes, Kalianpur

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    These are few points why BJP will never win the race, even with strong opposition:
    1.L.K.Advani is not comfortable with Modi.
    2.Modi as the leader of election champagne.
    3.Food security bill, NDA is the front runner with or without this.
    Because, if they win, they will go nook and corner of the country and shout 'We finally did it' on the other hand if they loose they will say 'BJP did not allow us'.
    4.Modi as PM.
    5.Modi's VISA refusal issue.
    6.Involvement with VHP,RSS.
    7.Ayodya yathra failure.
    8.Rajnath's U.S. visit.
    Many many endless list, I am tired.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rosario Fernandes, Kallianpur

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    Correction: Not NDA, it should be UPA. Sorry.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    Most probably his children have studied in English medium and also Grand children must be studying in English medium. Dear Rajnaath start gurukulas in India. Anyway it will never affect you politicians because you can afford to send your children abroad anyway....!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valerian Dsouza, Udupi/Mumbai

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    Some time I wonder why our Country is not progressing the way it should!

    In fact poor villagers are FAR BETTER in their imagination and foresight.

    They dream and really work hard
    to send their children to good English Medium Schools to widen their employment and business scope in this globalized computerized, information technology world.

    If this is his real thought, Leaders like Rajnath Singh who has no foresight, if given power will surely take us FAR BEHIND to the stone age, bullock Cart age, Time when barter system prevailed and our people hardly used to wear. Fit to be called as Adivasis from it will be impossible to come back like SOMALIA.

    DisAgree Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Clifford, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    Can you imagine state of our Indian education system under BJP rule under the party leader Rajnath Singh. He did not get his own way with British Government so he is blaming their system.He should remember that people from all countries all over the world send their children to be educated in British and American universities. There is political interference with education there.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • wilma, udupi

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    Bollu,Taxila is in Islamabad now.

    DisAgree Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeevan, mangalore

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    No doubt about it... british education and culture is curse for our society...

    DisAgree [34] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Kumar, kundapura / Dubai

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    Mr. Jeevan,
    why u write ur comments in English? This language is also given by British right???? do know the Indians are famous in whole world because of English.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar, M'lore

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    Though your name is Sullu, I agree with you fully. God had and has provided everything in India. Unfortunately he did not provide us with 'Leaders of Vision' throughout who could take this Country forward and to the top which it rightly deserves.Instead of them,he has provided us with 'Political Lepers', cutting across party lines which has made us the laughing stock of the world, fighting amongst ourselves, forgetting our rich heritage.

    Imagine a country which was plundered for over 182 years by the British still has 'Natural Resources' in abundance to last generations! Which other country has it? Times have changed , English is the most accepted language throughout the
    world, no doubt. However, that does not mean we were not conversing, having our own Education system before the English invaded us.In fact we were the first to do so.The English learnt whatever they wanted to from here and gave us only three things in return...Sorry, Thank You and Cricket. We have built upon it of course! Now we can converse better than the English and beat the Englishmen in their own game at Cricket! Yes think of our prowess then!! Shows you that if we have do not have Unity and Spirit of Togetherness without able leadership, everything is sure to go down the drain.And yes, the English did break the back bone of our Educational System then and in the resultant chaos, were able to Lord over us.Lord Maccullay (hope the name is correct) has vouched for this fact
    in History somewhere.
    If anybody other than a politician had said this, this should and is to be accepted as the truth and only the truth.
    Now however we have come too far and as they say much water has flowed under the bridge.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    If this is the part of your election manifesto for 2014 defeat is guaranteed.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mahesh Sanil, Hejamady / Abu Dhabi

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    Dear Comments writers,

    None of you all are knows Rajnath Singh's qualification background. Matter of fact, he is having master degree in Physics and he was the Physics lecturer prior to join the politics.

    DisAgree [49] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Basil, mangalore/dubai

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    Is it available only in India..!!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • John S., Bahrain/Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    Did Rajnath Singh did his MSc.(Physics)in Hindi/Sanscrit and taught his students in the same language? What a hypocracy.....

    DisAgree [3] Agree [65] Reply Report Abuse

  • stan, dubai

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    RJD Chief Lalu Prasad Yadav’s foder scam case was argued by Ram Jethmalani even though Lalu Prasad’s qualification is B.A., LL.B. Educated at Patna University, Patna .. When some people asked Jethmalani why you argued his case than he replied Lalu is educated but he has no brain… May be some people are educated but no brain..

    DisAgree Agree [53] Reply Report Abuse

  • Malcom Lewis, Kallianpur/Dubai

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    Beware if we elect BJP in 2014 they will pull down your pants and chaddis, its all western. You have a 2 choices 1. Learn to tie the dhoti or 2. I leave it to you.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • stan, dubai

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    You can wear chaddi.... He is not against Chaddies

    DisAgree Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shameer, UAE

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    from Gorakhpur University, Uttar Pradesh :))))

    No wonder he gives such stupid and silly statements!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse


    Mon, Aug 26 2013


    DisAgree [2] Agree [65] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Aug 27 2013


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  • AV, Mangalore/Doha

    Mon, Aug 26 2013


    DisAgree [2] Agree [54] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shameer, UAE

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    Mr.Bollu, Can we expect your future replies and comments in Sanskrit? :)))

    DisAgree [1] Agree [50] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ken, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    Nothing but misguiding innocent people. His children may be studying in foreign universities, by using the money made by making us fools politically.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [65] Reply Report Abuse

  • Allen, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    With such kind of people at the helm of BJP, God only knows where they may lead India into if they come to power!

    DisAgree [4] Agree [63] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vinod, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    By following British education system, we are at least 5% civil. Otherwise God only knows what would have happened?

    DisAgree [3] Agree [55] Reply Report Abuse


    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    Bakwas. . This BJP president has harmed himself by making FEKU as PM candidate..

    DisAgree [3] Agree [56] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh Dsouza, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    When entire world is changing but our Indian mentality never will change and all BJP leaders are good example of this....

    DisAgree [3] Agree [58] Reply Report Abuse


    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    Then why politicians children are going abroad for studies...

    DisAgree [2] Agree [63] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shameer, UAE

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    Rajnath Singhji, It's not cultural pollution...it's the pollution caused when you open your dirty mouth.

    This guy has lost all his ability to think and speak.

    "During his visit to USA last month - his keynote address was in English with a flat voice to the Republican chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and an audience chock-full of Congressional staffers listened with little visible reaction.

    And when the time came for questions, the organisers thought it fit to distribute lunch packets even as the BJP chief mumbled short answers to a couple of questions that were hardly audible over the din before he left for a luncheon appointment somewhere else"

    Just because this guy can't speak/like English - he thinks that the whole Academic/Education system should be changed & blames British Education system has harmed us.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [69] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rosario Fernandes, Kallianpur

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    This Rajnath is illiterate, he does not know what he is talking.
    He has no self confidence, because of his crow voice nobody enjoys his talks that's why he is pushing Modi front. Now that Gujarath is facing flood disaster, modi has to rush to Gujrat. Rajnath will be alone in the all nation campaign. Now watch the fun.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [59] Reply Report Abuse

  • prem, moodbidri

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    That means, if BJP comes to power in Central, you will move us back to stone age ?

    DisAgree [5] Agree [83] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bollu, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    First University itself is from India..i.e..'Takshila'..people from in and around globe visiting to seek knowledge..Whole identity of our culture destroyed by invaders. Many libraries torched in India by invaders which carried religious books and introduced new.
    God has provided everything in India..!! Sanskrit is Mother of all languages..!! Looteras..

    DisAgree [106] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Raj, udupi

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    Bollanna our few peoples team is very keen to learn sanskrit,could you please take some classes in sanskrit.We are bored to read,write and speak in english.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Pramod Suvarna, Derebail / Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 26 2013

    dont preach in english, instead start using samskrit.otherwise u and ur leader feku r same.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    Ask feku to open a sanskrit university first before preaching to others.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bollu, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 27 2013

    Just wait for few more months..let once BJP win the election. Slowly everything will happen..utni bhi jaldi kya hai.. aakhir desh belongs to us. If we cannot do anything..may be our next generation people will succeed on the same. Let us first make platform for them which our forefathers unable to fulfill. Jai Hind..

    DisAgree [13] Agree [4] Report Abuse

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