Mangalore: 'Youth Against Dowry' Signature Campaign Gets Good Response

Mangalore: 'Youth Against Dowry' Signature Campaign Gets Good Response

Pics: Spoorthi Ullal
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore

Mangalore, Apr 13: 'Youth Against Dowry', a forum formed by young people of Dakshina Kannada and Udupi to fight against the evil of dowry, on Friday April 13 held a signature campaign to gather support for their cause.

The campaign saw hundreds of people from the Muslim community signing their names on huge banner after the Friday afternoon prayers at Idgah, Light House here. The members of the forum also held placards against the menace.

Addressing the gathering, president of the forum Farhan Mohammed who flagged off the campaign spoke on the evils of dowry and explained the purpose of the campaign. He stressed on the need to eradicate dowry system from each home and promote peaceful existence in families.

Speaking to Daijiworld, Abdul Hameed, a member of the forum, said that the number of dowry cases in DK and Udupi districts has been increasing of late. "Families are facing lots of problems. This evil even brings some of the families to the road, as they are not able to afford dowry. Hence, the youth of the two districts have decided to join hands to try and eradicate dowry altogether."

He further said, "We will go to every nook and corner and spread awareness on the need to abolish dowry system. We will educate our youth and the families and urge them not to demand or take dowry. We want to tackle this problem on the individual level and make the society free from dowry system."

Asked what would be the next step after the signature campaign, he said, "We will show these signatures to the Qazis of DK and Udupi and also our community leaders and others. We will also urge all the jamaths to tell their people not to accept or demand dowry."

The campaign has received rousing response from the community. Hameed said that hundreds of people sent them SMS and called them to support their cause, and many more signed the banner on Friday. "We have got positive response, which has encouraged us to take our movement forward," he added.

Among those who signed the banner were community leaders like Moideen Bava and others.


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  • Abubakar Pallipadi, Pallipadi/Riyadh

    Sun, Apr 15 2012

    Alhamdulillah...Great move against dowry.Everyone should fight against dowry then only this will washout from whole world.

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  • Mohamed Ali Uchil, Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Apr 15 2012

    Hearty Congratulations to "Youth against Dowry" on their successful signature campaign against Dowry... The menace of Dowry system and its subsequent after effect is a serious issue, which is affecting the entire social set ups of our community developments. This system is making of rich and powerful in the community, but now it is affecting the middle and lower class. By conducting this kind of awareness program among youths, they are doing a commendable service to the society which deserves support from every one.
    I wish every success to this young and dynamic group, in its continued process of eradicating this Dangerous and cruel practice.I wish every success in their Future endeavors in serving the humanity in general and the down trodden of society in particular.

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  • M.H. SHAREEF, Ullal, Abu-Dhabi

    Sun, Apr 15 2012

    Great Move, may Almighty Allah take you to Success..

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  • Aadil Khan, Kasaragod, Saudi Arabia

    Sat, Apr 14 2012

    It is indeed a great move against dowry system. But how far this will be successful, yet to be seen. The reason is that how many of us would accept an alliance of a girl from a family who is financially not doing well that of a boy. Majority of alliances are decided, if not all,on the basis of social status, educational levels and finally of course of the amount of wealth the family possesses. I have hardly found a rich man married a girl from a poor family. Everybody is looking for the compatibility in all respects before finalizing the marriage alliance. Having said, I appreciate YAD's initiative to eradicate the dowry menace and wish the forum good luck.

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  • Ramesh, Udupi

    Sat, Apr 14 2012

    Dear Nahmed,
    FYI my comment is not criticized any community, rather i supported fight against dowry & i suggested to all community to fight aginst dowry as it there in all comminity. I agree what you say marrying more than one girl allowed i your religion. Is Dowry allowed in your religion? If yes why u fight against this. If not why they take dowry which is not allowed in your religion.

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  • sharaf, mangalore/dubai

    Sat, Apr 14 2012

    good job,,keep it up,,go ahead,may allah bless you all

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  • Jigmig, Mangalore

    Sat, Apr 14 2012

    Wish you all the best.

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  • zubair, doha/qatar

    Sat, Apr 14 2012

    there is some comments discouraging the above, so for those i ll say, please dont discourage them, if u feel jealous, or hate, cause they r doing great work, whether they r right or wrong but their program will change at least few people life.

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  • Mohamed Ali Uchil, Abu Dhabi

    Sat, Apr 14 2012

    Hearty Congratulations to "Youth against Dowry" on their successful signature campaign against Dowry. The menace of Dowry system and its subsequent after effect is a serious issue, which is affecting the entire social set ups of our community developments. This system is making of rich and powerful in the community, but now it is affecting the middle and lower class. By conducting this kind of awareness program among youths, they are doing a commendable service to the society which deserves support from every one.
    I wish every success to this young and dynamic group, in its continued process of eradicating this Dangerous and cruel practice.I wish every success in their Future endeavors in serving the humanity in general and the down trodden of society in particular.

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    Sat, Apr 14 2012

    nice, well done , but not enough to this sign,want to contive this work up to last breath, and one more question friends how many person all ready married and how much they took dowry in this sign? any body given a answer? i married have 4 kids with out 1 rupees last 20 years back. tell me true please, please it's not a funy game, comon keep it up, and advice to one and all youngistres of luck

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    Sat, Apr 14 2012

    Dear All,

    Thank you very much for your kind words and Support for YOUTH AGAINST DOWRY (YAD). We really appreciate your concern, comments and feedback.
    1. The main criteria to be a member of YAD is that they should not have taken DOWRY.
    2. As of now we are trying to focus on muslim community and in future we have plans to incorporate a ladies wing and a multi religious wing too.
    3. We are planning to conduct Video presentations at all Masjids/Jamaath's and we have already 8 Masjids in mangalore who have registered in Mangalore.
    4. if anybody wants to register their jamaath for this Video Presentation please register by sending your Name & Jamaath by SMS to. 9844462168

    Thank you again for all your support and comments...


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  • Rakesh shetty, mangalore

    Sat, Apr 14 2012



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  • MA, Kateel

    Sat, Apr 14 2012

    WOW. Great job.Keep the good work,My Humble suggestion is if u some gold then dontate to some poor girls, whom they cant effored to have, it will be a great help for them, coz girls like gold and it value her beauty

    DisAgree [1] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Kusuma Kuamri g , Nellore

    Sat, Apr 14 2012

    Very nice move by youths of south kanara May godbless them all

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  • vaseem S.M, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, Apr 14 2012

    Its a reach peoples Dignity and poor people are traped.. I hope there's a end for it..

    Great Move, may Almighty Allah take you to Success..

    DisAgree Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Saira Rasheed, Mangalore/USA

    Sat, Apr 14 2012

    Illiteracy among Muslims is an enormous problem. This leads to resistance to change and new ideas. Change brings sense of insecurity and uncertainty and even fear. Tradition is deeply embedded in ones inner being and produces strong emotions. When new challenges arise some try to reinforce tradition, while others strive for change. This struggle goes on. Change, at best, appeals to the young. Therefore it would be easier to educate the youth about the ills of dowry system.

    Lately Muslims have developed the awareness about importance of education. Poverty remains a major hindrance in achieving education. Rich segments of Muslims and Muslim groups must come forward and share the responsibility in establishing and/or aiding the existing educational institutions .The aim should be to achieve 100 percent literacy rate. For both Muslim men and women, education and economic empowerment are keys to a better life.

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  • Justin Lobol, Bangalore

    Sat, Apr 14 2012

    Islamic followers are going against Koran. Koran clrearly says Surah 4:4(Give the women whom you marry their dowry with a good heart. If they remit any part of it to you, of their own good pleasure, take it and enjoy it fully without fear of any harm.)
    Surah 33:50. O Prophet! Lo! We have made lawful unto thee thy wives unto whom thou hast paid their dowries, and those whom
    thy right hand possesseth of those whom Allah hath given thee as spoils of war,...

    DisAgree [14] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nawaz, Mangalore/dubai

    Sat, Apr 14 2012

    Mr ramesh,udupi. Male population is more than female in whole world expect india. Cos in india many of do abortion if they find baby is a girl. If 1 man and 1 girl marry, then what will happen to the rest, either they become prostitute or 2nd or 3rd mans wife, ramesh, u tell me which one u suggest.

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  • Evans Christopher Sumitra, Udupi/New York, USA

    Sat, Apr 14 2012

    Good move by the 'YOUTH AGAINST DOWRY' campaign. This should be strongly implemented and that way there will be fewer deaths due to harassment for dowry. Dowry business is a killer. It is not only the Muslim community who should take part in this campaign but all other communities too. Pictures by Spoorthi Ullal shows the interest shown by the people for the campaign.

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  • Lukmanul, Kunjathbail

    Sat, Apr 14 2012

    Good deeds by the muslim community . May Allha bless good life to muslim community ...

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  • Nahmed, Mangalore/Dammam

    Sat, Apr 14 2012

    Mr.Ramesh Udupi people like you know only one thing in each and everything to criticize Islam.WE marry more than one girl(not all)because its allowed in our religion and by the law of land.what about some Hindus marry secretly more than one girl?

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  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Fri, Apr 13 2012

    If the parents are cheerfully giving away their wealth equally to their children irrespective of gender, that is great. If our children are used as prime real estate, then it can be very dangerious and total greed.

    The dowry system of India has bypassed all the sanity: so the young people of all religions must be united to stand firm for this worthy cause.

    The dowry system and blowing money in marriage celebrations for one week's fame are two of the mysterious and exclusive traditions of India. All the best wishes.

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  • sathish, mangalore /bahrain

    Fri, Apr 13 2012

    how many who are participating in this campaign who have more than 2 wives they dont have any right to jointhis campaigno , this is made for the grooming generation, and we see only one commmunity here, problem is not with one community, its with all , irrespective of religion, good move, mangalore is prospering, there are good people in all the communities,so lets join in for a good cause,god bless to all of those gentle men who are doing good for the community and mangalore.

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  • zahir shah, puttur

    Fri, Apr 13 2012

    if the father in law gives gift without borrowing loan, selling property or with any origin of tears and sorrow will not be a GIFT, Gift means expression of love in the form of material...
    Can we call all transaction happening in our community in the name of gift is really a gift??????

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  • Umesh Shetty, Kaup/Dubai

    Fri, Apr 13 2012

    Great move by the youth of muslim community, same initiative needed in our hindu community (especially bunts) but who will take first step?? our so called leaders are busy with chasing cows, and girls in pubs, "Take respect not dowry" good slogun, good luck you guys.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [87] Reply Report Abuse

  • Narendra, Manipal

    Fri, Apr 13 2012

    Good moovement. Let all community folllow this & be model for modern India.

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  • Aloka Nath, Bengaluru

    Fri, Apr 13 2012

    Good effort by the community youth. The cleaning should start from within. Hope the community will accept whole heartedly.

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  • Gerald, modankap-bantval

    Fri, Apr 13 2012


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  • Nawaz, Mangalore/dubai

    Fri, Apr 13 2012

    Father-in-law happily giving gifts to son-in law is not a dowry, asking for gifts is a Dowry.

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  • F.K.Mathew, Kinnigoli/saudia

    Fri, Apr 13 2012

    Nothing is free in the world today. If your daughter wants a good, educated husband in India, you should be ready to pay.

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  • Mohammed , Bangalore

    Fri, Apr 13 2012

    ***gowry baag jahey ga lakeen dowry nahe.***
    we can stop this system to an end by not giving dowry & not taking dowry

    If u find anyone taking or giving dowry then bring it to everyone's notice so that there will be some serious action taken to them

    DisAgree [3] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Apr 13 2012


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  • Ramesh, udupi

    Fri, Apr 13 2012

    Why signature campaign only from one community. This Dowry harassment is not only from one community. All should be together to fight against Dowry, These people should also fight against marrying more than one girl. They are holding the banner says "Marriage is Pure not a business" then why they marry more than one girl??

    DisAgree [56] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • m.k.moosa, dubai/mangalore

    Fri, Apr 13 2012

    after all the happy biginings of against dowry system started from mangalore and udupi.keep it up your good work.please reach first the rich family the problem starts from their.

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  • Tauseef, Mangalore

    Fri, Apr 13 2012

    Great initiative...hope people will also follow what they preach...after all that's what is important...we have seen many women suffer cos of this evil dowry system...A great beginning and hope it will be practically accepted across..

    DisAgree [1] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

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