Top US envoy in Seoul calls for int'l cooperation against cybersecurity threats

Seoul, June 27 (IANS): The US ambassador to South Korea stressed on Thursday the importance of international cooperation in building resilience against cybersecurity threats, including those posed by North Korea.

Ambassador Philip Goldberg made the remarks during a forum hosted by the Asan Institute for Policy Studies, a think-tank based in Seoul.

"The ever-growing scope of cybersecurity means that no country can get far on its own. This is why the US has bilateral and multilateral engagements with key allies and partners," the Ambassador said.

Highlighting North Korea as one of the "malign actors seeking to exploit vulnerabilities in cyberspace to achieve their ends," Goldberg emphasised the importance of trilateral efforts with Seoul and Tokyo, Yonhap news agency reported.

"International cooperation, especially with like-minded allies like South Korea, is vital to building resilience in our shared cyber ecosystem," he said.

Emphasising that this year is particularly significant as more than 50 countries worldwide are holding high-stakes elections, Goldberg called for more discussion at the international level.

"It's not an understatement to say the strength of our democracy depends on the strength of our cybersecurity infrastructure," he said.

Lim Jong-in, special advisor to President Yoon Suk Yeol on cyber issues, also highlighted the importance of trilateral cooperation in the face of potential cyberattacks.

Citing hostile nations, such as China, Russia, North Korea and Iran, Lim stressed the necessity of maintaining robust digital systems under the concept of "digital solidarity".



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