If Muslim arrests continue in Boliyar, Mangaluru will be brought to standstill: SDPI

Mohan Kuthar

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangaluru

Mangaluru, Jun 25: Alleging that innocent people are being arrested and harassed in the Boliyar stabbing incident, the SDPI led a protest and laid siege to the Konaje police station.

There was tight police security around the police station. The protest continued for two hours as the demonstrators demanded the presence of the Police Commissioner. They declared they would not leave until the Commissioner arrived.

Speaking at the protest, SDPI leader Riyaz Kadambu said, "The Mangaluru Commissioner clearly stated that the BJP and Sangh Parivar were responsible for the Boliyar incident. Yet, the same night, they raided Muslim homes. The Boliyar incident happened due to police negligence. The police have no guts to arrest MLA Harish Poonja, who threatened to grab the police by their collars. They also couldn't arrest the Sangh Parivar leader who made statements against the Speaker. When they tried to detain Harish Poonja, a case was filed against the activists who tried to stop them. Over 80 activists have been charged. The police department is afraid of issuing notices to them and goes to predetermined locations to deliver them."

"Who made the police issue notices out of fear? Which Congress leader made numerous calls to home minister Parameshwar when Harish Poonja was about to be arrested? Was it Puttur MLA Ashok Rai or Speaker U T Khader? People elected U T Khader because they respected his father and didn't want the BJP to win here. Muslims voted for UT Khader, yet during the Ullal riots, it was you who sent the police to raid Muslim homes. Now we are marching to Konaje. Do not provoke us into stronger protests. You hold power because of our tolerance. Harish Poonja has claimed that weapons are stored in Muslim mosques. Does the police commissioner have the courage to file a case against Harish Poonja for his provocative statements? If there were weapons in mosques, Babri Masjid would not have fallen, nor would Sharan Pumpwell approach the Malali mosque. If the arrests of Muslims continue, we will paralyze Mangaluru, ensuring you can't even reach the Commissioner's office gate."

In response, ACP Dhanya Nayak arrived instead of the Mangaluru Commissioner, accepted the memorandum submitted by SDPI leaders, and the protest was called off.

SDPI leaders including Athavulla Jokatte, district president Anwar Sadat, and others were present.




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